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建築特色 Building

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bldg 2 1


(一) 1 館
1 館主體建築原為臺南警察署,於 1931 年落成,當時係由臺南州土木課營繕係設計監督、臺南州技師梅澤捨次郎設計,為裝飾藝術式樣 (Art Deco) 風格建築。1998 年被指定為臺南市市定古蹟,是國內仍保存的警察署建築之一。
古蹟棟主體構造為鋼筋混凝土,兩翼為紅磚混凝土構造,屋頂桁架、門窗為木構架,外牆為十三溝面磚裝飾建材,面磚色彩與樣式為 1 館主要風格元素。建築中央主體山牆兩側以階梯狀下降與水平飾帶、山牆最高處勳章飾、弧形山牆底部的簷口、門窗裝飾等皆為建築裝飾式樣。

About Building 1
Building 1 was formerly Tainan’s general police station, designed by Japanese architect Sutejiro Umezawa and completed in 1931. An Art Deco style structure of reinforced concrete, the outer walls of the two wings are covered by Thirteen Ditch bricks, which create both a colorful yet elegant style. It was designated a Tainan Historical Site in 1998. It is one of the few well-kept old police stations in Taiwan.

Restoration: To create more exhibition and collection space, three new floors were added to the rear of the original building. The new addition is connected by a central glass corridor which creates a unique experience visually and spatially. The exhibition space of Building 1 is 1,553 square meters in total. It consists of ten exhibition rooms, a collection area, a research center, a workshop, and a cafe.

Building1 02 1F lobby Building1 03 2F lobby Building1 04 2F
(二) 2 館
2 館建築為日本建築師坂茂所設計,於2019年1月27日正式開館啟用,主體建築以具臺南特色鳳凰花轉化為既純粹又強烈的五角造型,再以垂直堆疊、錯位的各式方型空間,創造自由彈性的參觀動線,半戶外平臺以階梯形塑休憩與活動空間。其中大型五角碎形遮蔭屋頂,為因應臺南地方氣候,模擬大自然樹蔭效果,透過科學研究以幾何造型製作碎形結構,用以調節建築空間綠能,當太陽以不同角度照射在碎形屋頂上時,可呈現如光穿透樹葉般的美麗光影。
展示空間約 2,508 平方公尺,設有 16 間展覽室、典藏庫房、跨域展演廳、兒童藝術中心、輕飲食空間、景觀餐廳,地下室為開放大眾使用之公有停車場。

About Building 2
Building 2 was constructed on the site of the original Public 11 underground parking lot. Erected above the site is a five-story building with a pentagon shaped roof inspired by Royal Poinciana, the official tree of Tainan city. Under the magnificent roof, a series of vertical stacked spaces form a free touring route of the museum. The many semi-outdoor platforms created by this unique shape also provide numerous rest and activity spaces. The engineered Sierpinski triangle fractal panels hang on the ceiling to keep the building cool from direct sunlight. Research and scientific data provided the geometric calculations to produce specific designs while regulating green energy. When the sun shines on the roof, it mimics the effect of light penetrating tree leaves.

The total exhibition space of Building 2 is around 2,700 square meters, consisting of sixteen exhibition rooms, a collection area, a performing art theatre, a children’s art center, a studio, two gift shops, a cafe, a scenic restaurant , and an underground parking lot.