歷年活動Past Events
名稱 「微地誌—2020明末清初臺灣美術學術論壇」活動報名
類型 活動
時間 2020/07/01 11:15 ~ 2020/10/14 23:59
地點 2館2樓跨域展演廳
Micro-topography:2020 Academic Conference on Taiwanese Art in the Late Ming and Early Qing Period
會議時間:2020/10/24(六) 9:30-17:10
“To construct the art history of Taiwan” is Tainan Art Museum’s core objective and professional-academic positioning. This academic conference focusing on Taiwanese art in the late Ming and early Qing period is organized in order to strengthen the museum’s academic influence and to connect with international trends, while also working in parallel with the research project, “Records of [AL1]Taiwanese Art and Culture”, launched this year. Through lectures given by academic experts, dissertations, and interactive discussions with the conference attendees, links between various subcategories under the art history of Taiwan will be focused on, with the city of Tainan highlighted. Opportunities will also be provided for the art history of Taiwan to be reinterpreted and constructed.
Throughout the period of Dutch colonial rule to the Qian-Jia period of the Qing dynasty, Tainan had always been a place where cultures converged because of its convenient location as a port city and also a political and economic hub. In the late Ming and early Qing period, art activities expanded southward and all throughout Taiwan, with Tainan situated in the center. This development reflected the various interconnected relationships between politics, economics, social culture, literature, and art; therefore, in-depth examination of this period will be beneficial in providing further insights on the genesis and context behind the art that was created. By referencing historical literature from this period will also open up new and different directions for studying the artworks. This academic conference welcomes scholars and students based in southern Taiwan, whose academic focus is in the fields of art history, visual art, history, or culture, and with opportunities provided for them to actively participate in the event, the intention is to revitalize local knowledge and culture and to spark a momentum for academic research focusing on Taiwanese art.
About the Theme
Historically, Tainan was known as the Tainan Prefectural Capital (Tainanfu). The prefecture was established by the Qing dynasty government and included Chiayi, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and other districts or counties, with Tainan then became the political, economic, and trade hub of Taiwan. However, the historic position of Tainan could be further traced back to the Ming dynasty, particularly the period of Koxinga family rule (1662-1683) and when migrant settlers came to Taiwan. At this time, the number of Han Chinese that had arrived in Taiwan had exceeded the original inhabitants. The focus of the migrant settlers was on land development, with literati and scholars from the mainland commissioned to come to Taiwan to conduct cultural development. As a political headquarter and an important location of defense, Tainan was a necessary place to pass through when those literati traveled across the strait to come to Taiwan, and thus, the Koxinga period in Tainan has been widely considered as the origin of Taiwanese painting and calligraphy. However, recent extended studies on Taiwanese painting and calligraphy have found that the origin could be traced back further in history to SHEN Guang-Wen. Dubbed the “Taiwanese Confucius” or “the founder of Taiwanese literature”, Shen came to Taiwan when Taiwan was under Dutch rule. Calligraphy by Shen is recognized as the earliest calligraphy work to be found in Taiwan, and his poems and chants that were passed around by other literati residing in today’s Shanhua District of Tainan provide us with a more expansive way to imagine the early stages of art and cultural development in Taiwan.
Extensive studies on early Taiwanese calligraphy and painting are now available, including research on several painters that were based in Taiwan, such as LIN Chao-Ying, HSIEH Kuan-Chiao, LU Shi-Yi, and others, as well as artworks by first settlers and officials that had relocated from the mainland. However, despite pointing out the robust and wild features found in the Minan-practice ink painting style or other peculiar art expressions found in Taiwan, these studies do not provide in-depth explanation on the origin of such style, and how such artistic expressions were influenced by regional features. Moreover, insufficient information is provided on how the artists’ dual identities of being away from home while serving as officials in Taiwan had impacted their artistic endeavors, and how the migrant culture in Taiwan at the time, one that was noted for being dauntless and hardworking, as well as the unpretentious and frank common-folk lifestyle and the people’s grassroots sentiments, had propelled the art development in Taiwan at the time towards a direction that differed from the traditional calligraphy and painting found in mainland China.
This conference departs from the theme, “Micro-topography”, and uses a chorographical approach for history writing to examine in great length and detail the history and the arts and culture of a particular place, city, and nation. In addition to meticulously sorting through the interconnections between the political, economic, social, and cultural factors, attempts will also be made to explore the various differences, fusions, and changes observed with art created in Taiwan during this period in time through various topography-based sociocultural analyses on topics such as groups and organizations, the literati examination system, the classical academy structure, the temple culture, and others.
本活動報名若有疑問請洽:06-2218881 #2101關小姐、#2110陳小姐
Email: artresearch@tnam.museum
議程表 10/24(六)
時段Time 主題Topic 09:00-09:30 報到 臺南市美術館2館 跨域展演廳 09:30-09:45 開幕典禮 潘示番館長致辭與來賓介紹 09:45-10:00 合影 來賓暨出席人員 10:00-10:40 專題演講一
引言人/潘示番 臺南市美術館館長
講者: 林柏亭/前國立故宮博物院副院長
10:40-11:00 茶敘 11:00-12:00 場次一
主持人/林柏亭 前國立故宮博物院副院長
12:00-13:30 午餐 13:30-14:10 專題演講二
引言人/潘示番 臺南市美術館館長
14:10-15:10 場次二
主持人/劉益昌 國立成功大學 考古學研究所特聘教授兼所長
15:10-15:40 茶敘 15:40-16:40 場次三
主持人/廖新田 國立歷史博物館館長
Dutch Formosa in the 19th Century European Newspapers. Case Study in Imageries from the Low Countries
發表者:賀安娟 Ann Heylen/國立臺灣師範大學臺灣語文學系教授
16:40-16:50 閉幕式 潘示番館長致辭 ▌專題講者簡介(依姓氏筆畫排列)
LIN Po-Ting
LIU Yi-Chang
LU Song-Ying
WU Kuo-Hao
HUANG Lan-Shiang
Ann Heylen
HSIEH Chung-Heng
CHENG Dao-Cong