展覽回顧Past Exhibitions



名稱 封景.志異-臺南市美術館典藏主題展

類型 展覽 類型檢索

時間 2019/06/14 09:00 ~ 2020/05/12 17:00 時間檢索

地點 2館2樓展覽室F、2館2樓展覽室G、2館2樓展覽室H 地點檢索

  • 「封景.志異-臺南市美術館典藏主題展」精選60件本館典藏作品,分成兩個階段展出,將藝術家創作視為一種當代的志異實踐,一種探知世界、考掘社會文化、提陳徵候異樣、檢視物我關係的媒介,依展間區分成「人間」、「神境」、「自然」三個子題,訴說這些典藏風景,從覺知及揭露政治社會和日常生活中的闇影,藉由入景形見,指認出猶待感應和思忖的所在;或者深入民俗場域,呈現眾生與神交陪、祈求顯靈保佑的精神表現和影像歷史;再到移情入景、重返自然,為心靈找到安適棲居的歸處;再再點示出,人不斷經由掌握自我與周遭環境之牽涉,追問本身的存在如何與世界彼此相容相攝,採取適當回應或介入,進而開啟其經心所願的向度和形廓。另則,選件的題材紛陳,亦增添了風景圖像的意義、開擴了風景再現系統的邊界。


    On view in this exhibition are 60 artworks selected from the collection of the Tainan Art Museum, with the artworks presented in two stages. The exhibition sees the artists’ practices as contemporary records of anomalies, which act as mediums for exploring the world, excavating social culture, proposing signs of irregularities, and examining the self-other relationship. The exhibition is divided into the following three sub-categories: “Mortal World”, “Mystic Realm”, and “Nature”, showing how these selected landscape artworks from the collection have evolved from a state of being aware to exposing the dark sides of politics, society, and also in everyday ordinary life, and then by immersing in the scenes and allowing them to manifest, they also point out places that still await to be experienced and contemplated. Some of the artworks have gone deep into places of folklore, showing historical images of people’s interactions with deities and their spiritual behaviors of praying for divine protection. Emotions are also transferred into the landscapes depicted, with a secure sense of spiritual belonging sought after by returning to the embrace of nature. These artworks suggest that through self-awareness and involvement with our surrounding environment, people are constantly questioning our own existence and our relationship with the world, with suitable responses or interferences conducted to open up dimensions or contours that we envision inside. Additionally, the themes presented by the selected artworks are diverse and different; they enhance the meaning embodied by images of landscape and push the boundary of landscape representation.

