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名稱 將藝術掛在心上:掛畫的生活美學
類型 展覽
時間 2019/07/05 09:00 ~ 2019/10/20 17:00
地點 2館3樓展覽室K、2館3樓展覽室L
The motivations of making an artwork can be roughly divided into customization or simply creation of one’s interest. The display location of artworks can be categorized into public space or private space. If we further distinguish the purposes of displaying artworks, they can be recognized as admiration of beauty, personal favor, memory of family, political promotion, religious service, business purpose, and Feng-Shui of household and workplace. On the surface of it, it is simply an artwork hanging for display. However, some symbols or meanings are always underneath, for example, the statue of a political leader on a square, the extremely large landscape painting in a governor’s office, the landscape painting behind the seat of a manager, or the family portraits which are frequently seen in movies in the living room of the nobility. “Space” and objects placed in the “Space” may represent “Power” or contain other various meanings.
We often heard “Art is inspired by life.” It is often interpreted that the creation of art is derived from life. Nonetheless, the need of art is also originated from life. For instance, frescoes created during Renaissance in ancient Italian churches, paintings in aiwanese temples, a simple painting that is brimming with board sense of space in a living room with modern style, or an artwork, which is close to collector’s spiritplaced in a bedroom, all of these confirm the tight relation between art and life, especially spiritual life. With spread of knowledge and economic growth, it is common to have artworks in residences. However, since people are busy with work, it seems hard to “keep art in mind” all the time.
The exhibition has “Hang a Painting” as its topic and holds the spirit of promoting art and aesthetic education. However, not just the tools and methods of “hanging paintings” are displayed. It is expected that we can not only think about the causal relationship between the artworks and the space for display, but the meanings and feelings caused for the viewers.
By setting three exhibition rooms “Where to Hang It? Take Public Space as an Example”,“Easy Hanging! Art in Homes” and “Profound Knowledge - Tools and Skills of Hanging Artworks”, we not only attempt to provide the basic concepts of art display, but also give visitors different imaginations and thoughts for “hanging pictures”, which could arouse visitors’ interest of exploring simple and reachable art in their life and furthermore enrich the inner spiritual world.