展覽回顧Past Exhibitions



名稱 吃飯配ㄨㄟˊ-樹下辦桌

類型 展覽 類型檢索

時間 2020/01/18 10:00 ~ 2020/07/05 18:00 時間檢索

地點 1館2樓展覽室I、1館2樓展覽室J 地點檢索

  • 閩南語的「話」與「畫」發音都是,本展展名用雙關的方式帶出欲探討的議題吃飯所隱藏的溝通意涵及以飲食作為主題的各種創作媒材及表現方式呷飯」,是一個個體與其所處的時代環境社會及其自身的溝通過程。吃飽沒不僅僅是一句問候語也是一種臺灣文化中傳遞關懷的表現方式歲時節慶,人們相聚並食用充滿祝福意涵的料理讓飲食從純粹滿足生理需求的營養攝取提升至尋求心靈交流與慰藉的層次時代變遷,外食逐漸普及並出現了加工食物;四通八達的網際網路帶動網路購物的潮流甚至催生出在網路上播放自己吃飯過程的吃播頻道這些改變不僅潛移默化的影響著大眾的飲食習慣也啟發了藝術家的創作靈感。


    Dining is a process of communication between an individual and the environment surrounding him or her. It is also a conversation between their mind and body. "Are you satiated" is not just a greeting phrase, it is also a way of conveying care in Taiwanese culture. There are various seasonal festivals in a year, people gather and eat different cuisines accordingly. Those foods always cook with blessings and have names that wish to bring good fortune. This good will makes a normal diet upgrade from purely satisfying the physiological needs of nutrition to the level of seeking spiritual communication and comfort. In recent years, various kinds of processed food have appeared, and more and more people like to eat out. In addition, the well-connected Internet has driven the trend of online shopping and even spawned broadcast channels that with the theme of broadcasting an individual’s meal eating process. These changes not only subtly affect the public's eating habits, but also arouse the artist's interest.













     People usually take painting as the representative of all forms of artistic creation; however, just as there are various ways of cooking food, there are also many methods of artistic creation. This exhibition invites Taiwan food model leader, Taiwan Kakukow Food Sample Company to create Finding The Real One, a work that tests the ability of the audience to distinguish between true and false; Online Master Chef series made by Wu Chien- yi explores the issue of digital consumption and imagination created by online shopping. Doughnut (Pink) made by Li Ming-hsueh reflects the common situation that people in modern society seeking spiritual comfort through "supplement" food, while Happy Hour made by Huang Ya-nung practices mukbang herself and ask the audience to think what the diet means to them. Welcoming Guests To Join The Banquet made by Huang Tzu-huan invites the public to participate in a performance art organized by the artist. Huang made the participants experience the process and atmosphere of having a banquet in Taiwanese through the process of making prints, thus it passes down this special way of dining in our culture via an artistic approach. Your Cuisine My Recipe is an ongoing participatory art project made by Cheng Jen-pei. While join an artist-in-residence project overseas, the artist communicates and shares a free meal she cooks with volunteers and seeks for the taste of hometown recipes that are gradually disappearing under the influence of the flat diet in modern society.






    Soundscape of Street Food made by Noel Yang invites the public to try local snacks through listening and thus bridge themselves with Tainan city. Eating Blissful Dishes and Reunion in Lunar New Year made by Shi Su Market is an attempt to revitalize the Shi Su community through local creativity. Reunion in Lunar New Year is collaboration work made by Chu Hao Wan Yi, Wu Te-yuan and Chiang Hsin, the central clock points to various dishes that bring blessings to everyone. Yang Shih-yi, who lives in Tainan, received the love from this land which is said under the blessings of a phoenix. Therefore, the artist created The Blessings of Phoenixdescribing a giant tree with lush foliage stretches outward from the center like the wings of a phoenix. I wish it brings blessings to everyone who visits the exhibition. With eight red round tables in the exhibition hall in front of The Blessings of Phoenix, all together it presents the scene of having a round table feast under the tree which is a déjà vu deeply rooted in the Taiwanese public’s common memories.






  • 本展大獲好評因此展期展延至2020年7月5日止