展覽回顧Past Exhibitions

杏林藝彩 Colorful Talents of Medical Professions

展場樣貌 Exhibition View
展場樣貌 Exhibition View
展場樣貌 Exhibition View
展場樣貌 Exhibition View
展場樣貌 Exhibition View
展場樣貌 Exhibition View
展場樣貌 Exhibition View
展場樣貌 Exhibition View
展場樣貌 Exhibition View
展場樣貌 Exhibition View

名稱 杏林藝彩 Colorful Talents of Medical Professions

類型 展覽 類型檢索

時間 2020/03/07 09:00 ~ 2020/05/10 19:00 時間檢索

地點 1館1樓展覽室A、1館1樓工作坊 地點檢索

  • 文/策展人 吳寬墩(臺大醫學院名譽教授)

    Text/Curator Wu Kwan-dun (Honorary Professor, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University)




    自古以來,有許多圖像闡述醫療,這些豐富的紀錄,讓我們得以瞭解人類健康的觀念、疾病的理論和型態、醫療系統的發展等歷史。文藝復興時期,達文西(Leonardo da Vinci)數量頗多的解剖圖,以及安德雷雅斯.維薩思(Andreas van Wesel)的巨著「人體的構造」(De humani corporis fabrica),對於藝術和醫學兩者有很大的影響,並奠定了醫學科學的基礎,也是西方醫學和其他傳統或東方醫學分道揚鑣的基點。








    Medicine is an art.


    Since ancient times, there have been many images illustrating medical treatment. These abundant records enable us to understand the concept of human health, the theories, and types of disease and the development of medical systems. During the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci’s great anatomical drawings and Andreas van Wesel’s great work, De humani corporis fabrica, had a significant influence on both arts and medicine. They laid the foundation of medical sciences and were the basis for the separation of Western medicine from other traditional or Eastern medicine.


    Modern medicine is increasingly inclined to materialism and reductionism. However, the object of medicine is not just a disease. It is also about patients with emotions and complex aspects such as family and society. Many artists have been exploring the essence of medicine by painting, such as Goya, Munch, Luke Fildes, and Picasso. They depicted doctors’ compassion and kindness, helplessness for illness, and fear for death, while contemporary artists began to criticize the alienation phenomenon that technology replaces human medical treatment.


    “Medicine is an art based on the sciences.” This expression does not suggest that doctors must be artists; however, it implies the fact that doctors should be the practitioner of scientific knowledge with humanistic thinking. In the recent two decades, foreign medical education has taken art museum-visiting as a crucial course for training medical students. It aims to cultivate the students’ empathy and observation by appreciating works of art. Because of their professions, doctors have different views on life since they encounter patients of various social statuses and different backgrounds. Many doctors in Taiwan record their life outside of work by painting and making sculpture because either they are fond of drawing, they want to release work pressure, or they have the dream to become an artist. Despite the busy days of medical practices, they still devote their time to art-making. Doctors’ artistic practices can be regarded as insight meditation and cultivation, and a reflection on their particular profession. Some medical artists also make artworks with their patients as an alternative therapy.


    This exhibition includes four sub-topics: the way to practice medicine, the joy of life, the search for one’s hometown, and the operation of divine rules. It demonstrates how Taiwan’s doctors express their concern for life and relevant issues by artistic practices out of their medical profession. Amateur artists may obtain simple skills and primitivistic styles; however, they are still showing their persistence and desire in art-making. Fifty pieces from 18 doctors are participating in this exhibition. Due to the limitation of space capacity