展覽回顧Past Exhibitions

鳳凰花開 蝴蝶飛

鳳凰花開 蝴蝶飛
鳳凰花開 蝴蝶飛

名稱 鳳凰花開 蝴蝶飛

類型 展覽 類型檢索

時間 2020/07/03 10:00 ~ 2020/10/11 18:00 時間檢索

地點 1館2樓展覽室C、1館2樓展覽室D、1館2樓展覽室E、1館2樓展覽室F 地點檢索

  • 六月盛夏時節也是畢業季的離別時刻,飛舞的蝴蝶象徵著學子們的蛻變並飛往下一段旅程。本展覽透過十位藝術家對於花與蝶的意象,表現自己對夏天的感受和思索。觀眾可透過熟悉的「能指」符號,來窺探各個藝術家對於夏季的意有所指。藝術家將觀眾帶領至各種創作領域,從臺灣森林到世界版圖、抽象到立體、油彩到水墨,以及花鳥蝴蝶刺繡與吸收其作品重新詮釋的當代表現。


    June is the height of summer and graduation season, the fluttering butterflies symbolizes students’ metamorphosis and flying to their next step of the journey. The exhibition presents 10 artists using flowers and butterflies to express their feelings and ideas. This allows visitors to explore the meaning of summer as signified by different artists through familiar “signifier” symbols. The artists take the visitors through a journey of a variety of fields, from Taiwan forests to the world map, abstract to three-dimensional, oil paint to ink wash, and finally two different approaches to Giuseppe Castiglione’s paintings through reworking and reinterpretation.

  • 王婷 WANG Ting

    林仁信 LIN Ren-Hsin

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    林雪卿 LIN Hsueh-Ching

    張花冠 CHANG Hua-Kuan

    張淑芬 CHANG Sophie

    黃光男 HUANG Kuang-Nan

    曾英棟 TSENG Ying-Tung

    蘇小夢 SU Hsiao-Meng

    蘇孟鴻 SU Meng-Hung