展覽回顧Past Exhibitions
名稱 向眾神致敬-宮廟藝術展
類型 展覽
時間 2020/07/23 10:00 ~ 2021/02/28 18:00
地點 1館2樓展覽室I、2館1樓展覽室A、2館1樓展覽室B、2館1樓展覽室C、2館1樓展覽室D
展覽地點:臺南市美術館2館展覽室A-D、臺南市美術館1館展覽室IPaying Tribute to Gods: The Art of Folk Belief
109.07.23 (Thu.) ~ 110.02.28 (Sun.)
Venue: Tainan Art Museum Building 2, Gallery A-D, Tainan Art Museum Building 1, Gallery I自十七世紀左右,臺灣因明朝海禁鬆弛,人民出海貿易及歐洲海權國家如葡萄牙、西班牙及荷蘭來臺墾殖等原因,大量漢人來臺開墾,同時將閩粵地區的民間信仰帶入臺灣,漸漸形成了儒釋道融合及結合在地的民間信仰,其背後所蘊含的信仰源由及分香體系,更是極其多元。臺南為臺灣早期城市的行政中心,人口聚集,造就宮廟文化繁盛發展,至今仍為全臺之最。
宮廟雖為民眾信仰所在,隨著歷史發展,凝聚社區人群,兼具經濟、文化、社會、習俗等功能。宮廟的建築與裝飾,經過傳承與創新,藉由視覺影像傳遞出民間信仰中潛藏的敦睦人倫、教化人心的價值。因此本展將焦點置於因宮廟發展出的視覺藝術形式,探討由傳統至當代的歷程中,民間信仰的藝術,如何因應臺灣社會文化的變遷而推陳出新,進行永無止盡的對話。Around the seventeenth century, a large number of Han Chinese people began settling in Taiwan due to relaxation in the Ming Dynasty’s sea ban policy, people engaging in maritime trade, and European maritime powers such as Portugal, Spain, and the Netherlands establishing their presence in Taiwan. At the same time, this wave of immigrants brought the folk religion of Fujian and Guangdong to Taiwan, where a new folk religion gradually grew out of the fusion of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and local religions, one whose origins and system of “dividing incense” were manifold in the extreme. Temple culture thrived in Tainan since the city was the administrative center in Taiwan’s early history and had a concentrated population. Even today, temple culture is more robust here than anywhere else in Taiwan.
Even though temples are places of religious worship, they have become the center of the community and served economic, cultural, social, and administrative functions with the passage of time. Through history and innovation, the architecture and decoration of temples visually convey the values hidden in Taiwan’s folk religion, namely to promote goodwill amongst people and to teach morals. Therefore, this exhibition is focused on the visual art forms that have developed due to temples, and aims to discuss how the art of folk religion has engaged in an endless dialogue in order to innovate in response to changes in Taiwan's society and culture as the course of history runs from the traditional to the contemporary. -
潘示番、李月娥、余青勳、黃基鴻、莊東橋、邱雨萱、徐嘉晨、郭懿萱Curatorial Team:
Pan Fan, Lee Yueh-Er, Rita Yu, Huang Chi-Hung, Chuang Tong-Chiao, Rain Chiu, Hsu Chia-Chen, Kuo Yi-Hsuan顧問團隊Advisory Board:高國欽、黃文博、鄭道聰