展覽回顧Past Exhibitions

名稱 「時光書寫」-臺南市美術館建築與空間攝影徵件活動展覽
類型 展覽
時間 2021/01/01 10:00 ~ 2021/03/07 18:00
地點 2館2樓廊道空間
「時光書寫」為臺南市美術館建築與空間攝影徵件活動的展覽, 以「3張照片為一組系列作品」 徵集來自全國267組的光影書寫影像故事。投稿作品以建築為主體,以建構視覺的方式表現時間。
Moving Moments - Photography Exhibition features 267 sets of triptych photography submitted nationwide to present visual storytelling. The submissions centered on architecture to visually construct time.Time is shared but writing is private. Whether it is the imagery that inspired viewers or the personal feelings of the writings, both are connected to our lives through the space of the art museum.
Like visiting an exhibition, viewers may walk alone to ponder, or want to share their thoughts with others. Through the experience viewers can discover new relationships with the art museum.
展覽指定輸出:便捷數位印刷 / 藝術微噴
Organized by Research and Collection Department, Tainan Art Museum