展覽回顧Past Exhibitions

〔申請展〕【120°22′E․ 22°20′N】洪明爵個展

【120°22′E․ 22°20′N】洪明爵個展
「120º22’E 22º20’N」洪明爵創作展 Ming-Chueh,Hung Solo Exhibition
【120°22′E․ 22°20′N】洪明爵個展
【120°22′E․ 22°20′N】洪明爵個展

「120º22’E 22º20’N」洪明爵創作展 Ming-Chueh,Hung Solo Exhibition

名稱 〔申請展〕【120°22′E․ 22°20′N】洪明爵個展

類型 展覽 類型檢索

時間 2021/11/05 10:00 ~ 2021/12/05 18:00 時間檢索

地點 1館1樓展覽室A 地點檢索

  • 洪明爵個展主題「120°22′E, 22°20′N 」代表的是小琉球的經緯度,此系列創作傳達出藝術家與故鄉血脈相連的潛意識,不僅帶著海洋文化與島嶼生活的基因,而他居住多年的高雄生活經驗,也與小琉球地方歸屬感、本相生命的視界交融(fusion of horizons),呈現在創作軌跡(trace)中的是這些視界交融下的深刻對話。洪明爵自2018年開始一系列與海洋意象有關的創作,在海洋與海岸線、島嶼的踏查歷程裡,中年以後的洪明爵思索海洋所訴說的故事,以及海洋環境美學帶給他的啟發。對於「人類中心主義式」的海洋資源掠奪與主導,他在「島嶼印記」與「海洋新秩序」系列作品中提出質問,但並不試圖解答,留待觀者去發想。作品中的符號,訴說著各種生命經驗、人與自然關係交織的來龍去脈(context),轉化為藝術家所嘗試的創作課題與不經意留下的各種自然與生命的印記。作品象徵著海洋物種的生命脈動,亦反思人為的災禍可能帶來的生態浩劫。在帶著螢光的系列作品引起的眩惑與未來感的視覺觀感中,諷喻著人類自以為是自然的「管理者」,卻導致海洋生態的危機,間接傳達另一種圖像學式、帶著警世意味的啟示錄(Apocalypse)。觀者可以在作品中敞徉在島嶼自然印記,以及人與環境連結的氛圍裡,感受自我的存在命題與海洋文化的對話。


    The theme of Hung Ming-Chuch’s solo exhibition "120°22′E, 22°20′N" is about the latitude and longitude of Liuqiu Island. This series of works discloses the artist's unconscious that is rooted in his hometown. Not only does Hung carry with him the genes of the ocean culture and island life, but he has visually fused his experience of living in Kaohsiung for many years with his sense of belonging and life in Liuqiu Island. His art practice is a profound dialogue between his memories and places of experience. Hung Ming-Chuch started a series of artworks related to ocean imageries in 2018. In the course of exploring the ocean, coastline and islands, middle-aged Hung has been inspired by the stories told by islanders and the aesthetics of the marine environment. He raised the issue of how "anthropocentrism" may well plunder all marine resources in the series "Island Imprint" and "New Order of the Ocean." He did not, however, pretend to provide an answer, leaving it with the viewer to consider the issue. The symbols in the works speak of various life experiences and the contexts of the intertwined relationships between humans and nature. The artist has transformed such experiences and contexts into various topics of nature and life. The work symbolizes the life pulses of species in the ocean and also reflects on the ecological catastrophe and human-made disasters to come. The dazzling and futuristic visual perception caused by the series of fluorescent works alludes to human beings who think they are masters of nature. In reality humans pave the way for an ecological crisis that the works indirectly caution against as another kind of Apocalypse. In Hung’s series, the viewers can explore the natural imprints of the islands and how people relate to the environment, as well as feel the on-going dialogue between self-existence and ocean culture.

  • 洪明爵簡歷

    國立澳洲皇家墨爾本科技大學 藝術博士

    國立臺南大學視覺藝術與設計系 專任副教授

    高雄市現代畫學會 理事長2019~

    高雄市數位產業發展協會 常務理事2018~

    台灣國際水彩協會 常務監事



    《水彩的可能》2020桃園文化局  策展人/參展 2020/10/7-25

    參與高雄藝術論壇與談人,駁二藝術特區banana音樂館 2019/12/13

    高美館展覽審查委員2019/ 高雄young art藝博審查委員2019/ 磺溪美展複審委員/ 台東美展複審委員/ 屏東美展複審委員2020/ 南區高中美術班命題委員/ 聯邦印象大賽評審委員/ 高雄學生美展評審委員/ 台南學生美展評審委員/ 台南市國小教師聯合甄選試複委員/ 國立高雄應用科技大學文化創意產業系 專任副教授 2011-2016/ 屏東縣政府文化基金會董事2010/3/1-2012/2/28/屏東縣政府文化局典藏委員/ 長榮大學美術系專任助理教授2009-2011/ 高鳳技術學院 數位遊戲設計系主任2006-2009 / 明爵畫室負責人 1993-2002



    作品<前後30秒-高雄港>獲高雄市立美術館典藏 2013



    作品<黑白之間>榮獲德國西門子(Seimens)藝術創作獎得主 2005


    作品<少女>榮獲第53屆全省美展(1998) 金牌獎 (第一名)

    作品<為現在而進行>榮獲第15屆全國美展(1998) 金龍獎 (第一名)

    作品<放學後>榮獲第三屆台南市美展(1997) 府城獎 (第一名)

    作品<等待>榮獲84年度教育部文藝創作獎(1995) 第一名

    作品<曾經>榮獲第50屆全省美展(1995) 省政府獎 (第一名)



    2021《120˚22’E, 22˚20’N》洪明爵創作展,台南市美術館 2021/11/5-12/5

    2021《島嶼印記》洪明爵個展,台南米馬羊藝術空間 2021/11/3-11/28

    2020《迴音》洪明爵個展,高雄白色記憶藝術空間 2020/4/26-5/31


    2016 真誠與布爾喬亞 洪明爵個展,高苑科技大學藝文中心 2016/12/12-2017/1/13

    2014 《緩慢與快速-暫存與永恆之間》洪明爵個展,高雄市立美術館 2014/3/22-5/11

    2013 《洪明爵個展》,高雄名展藝術空間 2013/8/3-8/25

    2013 《存在與本質》洪明爵個展,高雄市立文化中心至真三館2013/3/23-4/3

    2013 《洪明爵藝術創作個展》,屏東巴比頌藝廊 2013/1/10-2/10

    2012 《緩慢與速度》,國立高雄應用科技大學藝文中心 2012/12/10-2013/1/9

    2010 《MADE IN TAIWAN 洪明爵個展》,屏東美術館開幕邀請首展2010/3/12-4/4

    2005《畢業個展》,澳洲皇家墨爾本科技大學藝術學院藝廊 2005/10/17-21

    2004 《平靜‧寧靜》洪明爵個展,澳洲皇家墨爾本科技大學Faculty Gallery 2004/8/30-9/3

    2002《心靈圖像》洪明爵個展,台北國父紀念館德明藝廊 2002/3/29-4/7

    2001《認知與現象》洪明爵個展,中國文化大學華岡博物館 2001/6/18-22

    1997 《洪明爵個展》,東港教會 (慶祝130週年紀念系列活動) 1997/10/17-23


    110年《全國藝術團體理事長》邀請展,桃園展演中心1樓 2021/8/25-9/12

    110年 【墨、色】可識墨、不是墨。新竹藤藝廊 2021-08-11 ~ 2021-09-12


    110年 《力道》台南高雄雙會展,高雄文化中心至真一、二館,2021/2/12-2/23


    109年《屏東美展》邀請展, 屏東文化局,2020/11/7-12/20

    109年《水彩的可能》桃園水彩藝術展,桃園文化局 2020/10/8-25

    109年 《凝視與穿越》藝術典藏中的高雄百景,高雄市立美術館2020/9/27~

    109年 《生還在物色展》台南市文化中心邀請展 2020/8/21-9/6

    109年 《藝企相挺》高雄展覽館,西樓文創 2020/8/21-24

    109年《藝彩風華》台灣國際水彩畫協會會員聯展,台北國父紀念館 2020/8/9-8/17

    109年《大南方ing》高雄雄崗美術館 展覽/策展人 2020/6/10-8/31

    108年參展《碰撞中的優雅》兩岸抽象繪畫聯展 蘇州基業藝術館 2019/04/14-05/17主辦單位:策展人沈建國教授

    107年參展《碰撞中的優雅》兩岸抽象繪畫聯展 高雄興新藝術中心 2018/12/8-28主辦單位:策展人賴新龍教授

    107年參展藝術三人展《生活面相》高雄精品河堤會館, 主辦單位:新願文創2018/08/16-09/30

    107年參展《芬芳大地》台灣國際水彩協會會員展 國立台南生活美學館,主辦單位:台 灣國際水彩協會2018/11/7-21

    <國際紙.藝創作展>,西班牙Art San Fransico 22 Tavernes de la Valldigna,策展人:謝其昌、Xaro 2018/7/27-12/8

    <台日水彩畫會交流展Taiwan-Japan Watercolor Exhibition>,奇美博物館 2017/11/24-12/25

    高師大50周年校慶 <藝術大師精品展>,高師大116藝術中心2017/10/28-11/14

    <山河戀>,彰化縣立美術館,策展人:許一男 2017/8/30-9/17

    <來去台東好風光>,國立台東生活美學館,策展人:管振輝 2017/5/5-5/22

    <五月潮>,黃步青80藝術空間,策展人:黃步青 2017/5/20-6/18


    參與高雄國際港都藝術博覽會,“港Harbors, Hok”高雄工商展覽館,策展人:邱俊達2016/6/24-26



    <2013年美術學系教授暨近年參與競賽得獎校友作品聯展>,中國文化大學華岡博物館,中國文化大學美術系主辦 2013/5/21-5/31

    <2013 SPP新濱碼頭-愛你一生>,高雄新濱碼頭藝文空間,新濱碼頭主辦 2013/2/23-3/17


    <第20屆亞洲水彩聯盟展>,韓國首爾Han Jeon Art Center,KWDG韓國水彩發展協會主辦2011/10/15-11/12

    <藝術家博覽會>,高雄駁二特區,視覺藝術聯盟策展 2011/8/19-8/28





    <台灣當代水彩大展>,國立台灣民主紀念館 2008/9/3-23 

    <德國西門子 (Seimens) 藝術創作展>,RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, Australia及西門子澳大利亞總公司藝廊 2005/11/14-18

    <2004年香港Sovereign年度亞洲當代藝術獎>,香港Pacific Place

    <2004年墨爾本藝術博覽會>,皇家墨爾本展覽中心 (Royal Exhibition Building),澳洲Zab Gallery 2004

    藝術博士候選人三人聯展,澳洲皇家墨爾本大學Project Space 策展人:Joy Hirst 2004


    <北台北藝術家邀請展>,台北雅逸藝術中心 2000/4/1-16


    <台北縣藝術家邀請展>,台北縣立文化中心 2000/4/8-30


    <新銳‧菁英>邀請展,台北珍傳畫廊 1992/8/8-8/23

    Ming-Chueh Hung

    Doctor of Fine Art, RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia


    • Associate Professor, Department of Fine Art, National University of Tainan
    • Chairman, Kaohsiung Contemporary Art Association
    • Executive director, Association of Digital Industry Development in Kaohsiung
    • Standing Supervisor, Taiwan International Watercolor Association


    2020  Won 11th “Kaohsiung culture and Arts Award ” the highest honor of Kaohsiung Art Group during the tenure as chairman

    2013  Art Work “Between 30 Seconds in Kaohsiung Harbor ” Collected by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art

    2012  Winner of a Permanent Collection of Kaohsiung District Prosecutors Office

    2005  Winner of Siemens RMIT Fine Art Scholarship, Melbourne

    2004  Sovereign Annual Contemporary Asian Art Prize, HK

    1998  First Prize, The 53rd Provincial Art Exhibition, Taiwan

    1998  First Prize, The 15th National Art Exhibition, Taiwan

    1997  First Prize, The 3rd Tainan City Art Exhibition, Fucheng Award

    1995  First Prize, Ministry of Education Art Creation Award, Taiwan

    1995  First Prize, The 50th Provincial Art Exhibition, Taiwan


    2021  Solo Exhibition, ”120˚22’E, 22˚20’N”, Tainan Art Museum

    2021  Solo Exhibition, ”An Impression of Island”, Tainan Mimayoung Art Space

    2020  Solo Exhibition, “Echo”, Kaohsiung WHITE MEMORY ART SPACE

    2019  Solo Exhibition, “Ocean sunset”, Hsiung-Kang Sin-Yi Art Museum, Kaohsiung

    2016  Solo Exhibition, “Sincere and Bourgeois”, Art Center, Kao Yuan university

    2014  Solo Exhibition, “Slow and Fast-Between Temporary and Eternal”, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art

    2013  Solo Exhibition, Celebrated Art Gallery, Kaohsiung

    2013  Solo Exhibition, “Existence and Essence”, Kaohsiung Art & Cultural Center

    2013  Solo Exhibition, Ba-B-Song Coffee Gallery, Pingtung 

    2012  Solo Exhibition “Between Slowness and Rapidness”, Art Center, Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences

    2010  Solo Exhibition “Made in Taiwan 2010” invited by new opening Pingtung Art Gallery, Pingtung Cultural Bureau.

    2005  Solo Exhibition “Between Chance and Control”, Faculty Gallery, RMIT University, Melbourne

    2004  Solo Exhibition “Tranquilness & Peacefulness”, Faculty Gallery, RMIT University, Melbourne

    2002  Solo Exhibition “The Spiritual Images”, Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall, Taipei

    2001  MFA graduate show ”Cognition and Phenomenon ”, Huakang Museum, Chinese Culture University, Taipei


    2021  Invitation Group Exhibition, “Chairmen of National Fine Arts Associations Invited Exhibition”, Taoyuan Exhibition Center on the 1st floor 2021/8/25-9/12

    2021  Group Exhibition, “The Art Era”, Taoyuan Artists Invitational Exhibition, Taoyuan Cultural Affair Bureau Exhibition Room 2021/3/18-/4/11

     2021  Group Exhibition, “Strength”, An Exhibition Gathered Two Art Associations of   Tainan and Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung Cultural Center 2021/2/12-2/23

    2021  Group Exhibition, “The Art Without Borders”, 2021 International Art Exchange Exhibition, Tainan YunFeiFan Art Museum, 2021/1/6-2/16

    2020  Group Exhibition, “Pingtung Fine arts Exhibition”, Pingtung Cultural Affair Bureau 2020/11/7-12/20

    2020  Group Exhibition, “The Possibility of Watercolor”, 2020 Taoyuan Watercolor Exhibition, Taoyuan Cultural Affair Bureau Exhibition Room 2020/10/8-25

    2020  Group Exhibition, “Reading the Landscape”, Time Travelling with Museum Collections, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts 2020/9/27~ 2021/1/3

    2020  Invitation Group Exhibition, Tainan Cultural Center, 2020/8/21-9/6

    2020  Invitation Group Exhibition, “Art from South & Business Suport”, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center 2020/8/21-24

    2020  Group Exhibition, “Colorful in Art”, A Group Exhibition of Taiwan International Watercolor Association, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 2020/8/9-8/17

    2020  Group Exhibition, “Great South ing”, Hsiung-Kang Sin-Yi Art Museum, Kaohsiung 2020/6/10-8/31

    2019  Group Exhibition, “Elegance in Collision”, Cross-strait Abstract Artists Exhibition G.Y. Art Museum in Suzhou, China 2019/04/14-05/17

    2018  Group Exhibition, “Elegance in Collision”, Cross-strait Abstract Artists Exhibition, Xingxin Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2018/12/8-28

    2018  Group Exhibition, “Fragrant Land”, A Group Exhibition of Taiwan International Watercolor Association, National Tainan Living Art Center 2018/11/7-21

    2018  Group Exhibition, “Ar/t/chitecture International Group Exhibition”, Licence Art Gallery, Tainan 2018/11/6-11/22

    2018  Three Artists Exhibition, “Life aspect”, Boutique Riverside Club, Kaohsiung, Taiwan   2018/08/16-09/30

    2018  Group Exhibition, “International Paper Art Exhibition”, Art San Francisco 22 Tavernes de la Valldigna, Spain 2018/7/27-12/8

    2017  Group Exhibition, “Taiwan-Japan Watercolor Exhibition”, Chi Mei Museum 2017/11/24-12/25

    2017  Group Exhibition, “Art in High Spirits”- The 50th Anniversary of Kaohsiung Normal University, 116 Art Center 2017/10/28-11/14

    2017  Group Exhibition, “Celebration for Mountain and River”, Changhua County Art Museum 2017/8/30-9/17

    2017  Group Exhibition, “maree de mai 2017”, Huang Buqing 80 Art Space, Tainan 2017/5/20-6/18

    2017  Group Exhibition, “Nice Scenery of Taitung”, National Taitung Living Arts Center 2017/5/5-5/22

    2016  Group Exhibition, “Watercolor in Jinmen”, A Group Exhibition of Taiwan International Watercolor Association, Jinmen Cultural Affair Bureau 2016/7/30-8/11

    2016  Group Exhibition, “Harbors, Hok”, Kaohsiung International Port Art Fair, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center 2016/6/24-26

    2014  Group Exhibition, “Tainan Are Fair”, Tayih Landis Hotel 2014

    2013  Group Exhibition, “Art Kaohsiung”, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2013/9/13-16

    2013  Group Exhibition, “An Alumni Group Exhibition of Fine Art Department”, Chinese Culture University Hwa Kang Museum” 2013/5/21-5/31

    2013  Group Exhibition, “SinPinkPier- Love you forever”, SinPinkPier, Kaohsiung 2013/2/23-3/17

    2012  Group Exhibition, “Mental Image-Parallel Lines on the Frame”, Stock 20 in Taichung Railway Station 2012/6/23-7/8

    2011  Invitation Group Exhibition, “The 20th Asian Watercolor Alliance Exhibition”, Han Jeon Art Center, Seoul, Korea 2011/10/15-11/12

    2011  Group Exhibition, “Kaohsiung Art Fair”, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2011/8

    2011  Invitation Group Exhibition, “Poetry without life, poetry without sound- A Description about artistic conception of seclusion by Contemporary Artists”, Da-Yin Design Group, Shanghai, China 2011/12/17-2012/1/16

    2011  Invitation Group Exhibition, “Black and White”, Mazatlan Art Gallery, México 2011/9

    2010  Group Exhibition, “Da-Gou-Fuxing-Han”, SinPinkPier, Kaohsiung 2010/6/19-6/27

    2008  Group Exhibition, “One Hundred Years of Watercolor”, National Museum of History and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 2008/10/30-2009/2/22

    2008  Group Exhibition, “Taiwan Contemporary Watercolor Exhibition”, National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall 2008/9/3-23

    2005  Group Exhibition, “Seimens Art Exhibition”, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, Australia 2005/11/14-18

    2004  Group Exhibition, “Sovereign Annual Asian Contemporary Art Award”, Pacific Place, Hong Kong 2004

    2004  Group Exhibition, “2004 Melbourne Art Fair”, Zab Gallery, Royal Exhibition Building 2004

    2004  Art Doctoral Candidates Group Exhibition, "Crossing Seas", Project Space, RMIT, Melbourne 2004

    2001  Group Exhibition, “Sense and Sensibility”- Touring Exhibition of Classical Oil Painting Techniques 2001/9/1-10/31

    2000  Group Exhibition, “An Invitation Exhibition of North Taipei Artists”, Julia Gallery, Taipei 2000/4/1-16

    2000  Group Exhibition, “Asian Watercolors 2000: Taipei”, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei 2000/8/12-9/24

    2000  Group Exhibition, “An Invitation Exhibition of Taipei County Artists”, Taipei County Cultural Center, 2000/4/8-30

    1998  Group Exhibition, “A National Invitation Exhibition of Watercolor”, Taichung Cultural Center 1998/11/12

    1992  Group Exhibition, “An Invitation Exhibition of Young and Elite ”, Zhen Chuan Gallery, Taipei 1992/8/8-8/23

  • 董維琇


    英國中英格蘭大學伯明翰藝術學院哲學博士,英國華威大學藝術與設計教育碩士。曾獲國藝會「藝術與社會環境結合」藝術社會學博士論文獎助, 2010-2011年擔任英國倫敦都會大學Sir John Cass School of Art, Media and Design, London Metropolitan University公共藝術訪問學者。著有英文專書Art for Social Change and Cultural Awakening: An Anthropology of Residence in Taiwan (Lexington Books , 2013).,獲邀2014年台北國際書展美國在台協會(AIT)展出,及《美學逆襲:當代藝術的社會實踐》(藝術家,2019); 擔任Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art(Routledge)國際編審委員,並以中、英文出版多篇文章於國內外匿名審查學術期刊及專論。

    Tung, Wei-Hsiu

    Wei Hsiu TUNG is Associate Professor of Theory of Art & Design at National University of Tainan, Taiwan. She completed her doctoral thesis in social anthropology of art under anthropologist Nick Stanley at University of Central England, UK (2003). In 2010-2011 she was Research Fellow of Public Art at the Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture & Design, London. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Visual Art Practice (Taylor & Francis) and Culture and Dialogue (Brill). Book publications include Art for Social Change and Cultural Awakening: An Anthropology of Residence in Taiwan (Lexington Books, 2013) and The Challenge of Aesthetics: Social Practice in Contemporary Art (Artist Publishing Co., 2019). She also currently serves as Editorial Board Member of Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art (Intellect).

  • 開幕時間   2021/11/07(日) 15:00 

    座談會 11/7(日)16:00-17:30 

    地點   1館1樓展覽室A