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漫遊韓國當代藝術 Voyages to Korea: Contemporary Korean Art


名稱 漫遊韓國當代藝術 Voyages to Korea: Contemporary Korean Art

類型 展覽 類型檢索

時間 2021/11/11 10:00 ~ 2021/12/12 18:00 時間檢索

地點 2館3樓展覽室O、藝術走廊 地點檢索

  • 臺南市美術館透過跨國交流與館際之間的合作,與駐臺北韓國代表處攜手共同主辦「漫遊韓國當代藝術」展,規劃韓國當代藝術創作展,透過繪畫、雕塑、裝置等不同形式的作品,展現豐富多元的風貌,作品涵蓋揉合傳統畫風與現代插畫元素的繪畫、以鮮明布料交織而成的裝置、極簡抽象的平面繪畫以及藝術家對於自然、生命的反觀省思的創作。

    本次展覽,精選6位韓國新銳藝術家的作品,每個藝術家皆有不同風格與擅長的創作媒材。鄭道恩(Daun Jeong)透過非典型的媒材—織品來擴增其物質性在三維空間的和諧;金官泳(Kwan-Young Kim)的作品多為一層層隨機疊加的顏料,這種抽象型態是藝術家表現自身感情及背景的敘事法,希望喚起流逝的時間及消失的記憶;常以紅色與傳統祥瑞象徵的素材創作的金珉秀(Minsu Kim)直言不諱地表現人們祈求好運的態度,在畫作中也可以看見大眾文化的英雄角色,暗示人們對於救世的追尋;Diren Lee一樣以許多插畫角色來訴說內心的情感,對照自身經歷的恐懼與傷痛,並激起對動物生存環境的意識;盧淳天(Sooncheon No)的雕塑闡述自身的內在思維,作品的線條隨著周圍的空間的特性互動、產生變化;惠眞(Hye Jin)的繪畫可見濃厚的傳統古風,加入了當代的特色與角色,同時在傳統的藝術中提出關於動物或藝術的當代議題。




    Through international and inter-institutional collaboration, the Tainan Art Museum and the Korean Mission in Taipei co-organize Voyages to Korea: Contemporary Korean Art. The exhibition presents a rich diversity through various forms of artwork such as paintings, sculptures, and installations. The works include paintings that combine traditional painting styles with modern elements in illustration, installations made of colorful fabric, abstract minimalist paintings, and art pieces that present that artists’ reflections on nature and life.


    Six emerging Korean contemporary artists participate in this exhibition, presenting various styles and a wide range of materials. Daun Jeong explores the harmony of materiality in three-dimensional space through textile. Kwan-Young Kim’s works are primarily paintings with layers of spontaneous strokes. Such an abstract form is the artist’s narrative approach to express his emotions and backgrounds, aiming to evoke the passing of time and the vanishing memories. Minsu Kim, who often works with red color and traditional symbols of good fortune and luck, presents people’s proactive attitude when praying for success in a straightforward manner. In Kim’s paintings, one can also see the heroic characters of popular culture, which imply the universal pursuit of salvation. Diren Lee expresses her inner feelings through illustrated characters to reflect on her experiences of fear and pain and provoke viewers’ awareness of animals' living environment. Sooncheon No’s sculptures demonstrate his thoughts; the curves of his works interact and change with the vibes of the surroundings. And Hye Jin’s paintings show a strong sense of traditional aesthetics. The artist inserts characteristics of contemporary art and raises contemporary issues of animals and art in her paintings.


    Voyages to Korea: Contemporary Korean Art is the first exhibition on Korean contemporary art in the Tainan Art Museum. When the museum commits itself to local art and culture, it also seeks for opportunities to introduce international works of art in response to the geographic and historical context of the museum.

  • 參展藝術家:

    鄭道恩Daun Jeong
    金官泳Kwan-Young Kim
    金珉秀Minsu Kim
    Diren Lee
    盧淳天Sooncheon No
    惠眞Hye Jin