展覽回顧Past Exhibitions
多彩多姿 De Colores!—郭為美個展
名稱 多彩多姿 De Colores!—郭為美個展
類型 展覽
時間 2021/11/11 10:00 ~ 2021/12/19 18:00
地點 2館3樓展覽室P
(*For English version, please scroll down.)
Artistic creation is never a record of visual impression. The artist’s ideal and thinking in life is what guides artistic creation. Because of my open-minded parents, I had the freedom to enjoy my own company in solitude since adolescence and often meditated on my path in life.
Nature has always been an ample learning resource for me. Because of my belief, I have always been amazed and in awe when appreciating the beauty and benevolence of the earth. When I am alone, I usually forget the world and open up my mind to absorb the spirit, air and essence of nature. That is why my creative concept of painting has entirely originated from my tranquil observation and understanding of nature and life.
Whether painting mountains or still objects, I have always naturally imbued my subject matter with a personality. At the same time, my own personality is also revealed through the objects. I often enjoy driving alone through road bridges in New Taipei City, from which I can look afar from the height and see the rolling mountains around the city as well as the various turns along the way. Sometimes many precious realizations and ideas surface in my mind during this time. So, any objects that touch my mind can be used vicariously to express my thoughts and concepts about life.
Taking a general view of my work, there are roughly two dividing points: One is my life in Europe. I have enjoyed opera very much. The splendid colors of stage backdrops used in opera have enriched the palette of my work. However, after retiring in 1995 and living in New Zealand for more than a decade, its azure sky, white clouds and pristine environment have extensively changed the style and colors of the images in my paintings. Managing the image of a painting is like winemaking. Its success requires the fulfillment of many conditions because an artwork must be savored and understood.
(*For English version, please scroll down.)
1941 出生於北京
1949 隨家人返回故鄉臺南定居
1960 自高中二年級起,每年寒暑假上午隨父親練習素描四小時
1965 考入西班牙巴塞隆納聖喬治高等美術學院,同一年,經推薦成為巴塞隆納皇家藝術協會最為年輕的會員
1969 受邀應聘國立藝專(現國立臺灣藝術大學)任教並兼任秘書工作
1993 應臺北形而上畫廊邀約舉辦個展
1995 與先生一同辦理退休
1997 一同移居紐西蘭的奧克蘭十餘年,在家種植各種花木,並專務繪畫創作
2012 返回臺南市,為先父整理公園路321巷的故居,成立郭柏川紀念館,並舉辦回臺首檔油畫及粉彩個展「跨越一百」
2013 於紀念館開辦展演活動之後,紀念館轉交臺南市文化局經管辦,從此全力投入西畫創作
2014 自本年起每年在臺南市東門美術館(元月10日-26日)舉辦「為美畫展」
2015 東門美術館春展「幽蘭香」(2月27日-3月15日),同年受邀於臺南藏風藝文空間舉辦個展。
2016 臺南東門美術館個展「雲嵐伴青山(2月2日-3月1日)
2017 臺南東門美術館個展「悟景傳情」(4月17日-5月14日)
2017 應邀於國立成功大學藝文中心舉辦個展「觸心的律動」(5月6日-5月26日)
2017 應邀於「新加坡亞洲與太平洋地區國際美術交流大展」展出(11月18日-11月21日)
2017 應邀於「十八屆東京都美術館國際書畫交流展」展出(11月25日-11月31日)
2018 應邀上海雲間美術館舉辦雙人個展「氣若幽蘭」(3月20日-3月26日)
2018 應邀於「十九屆東京都美術館國際書畫交流展」展出(4月8日-4月15日)
2018 應邀臺南南瀛國際藝術館舉辦雙人個展(5月19日-7月22日)
2018 應邀於奧克蘭私人畫廊舉辦個展和藝術講座(9月)
2019 於臺南文化中心文物陳列館一樓舉辦個展「富麗人生」(2018年12月28日-1月13日)
2019 十一月獲得「文化部第14屆文馨獎」
2020 應邀國父紀念館逸仙藝廊舉辦「郭為美首次回顧展」(1月4日-2月2日)
2020 應邀於文化大學華夏藝廊舉辦個展「大夏之頌」(12月底)
Lois KUO Solo Exhibition : CV
1941 Born in Beijing.
1949 Returned to Taiwan and settled down in her hometown Tainan with family.
1960 Since 11th grade, Kuo studied sketching for four hours a day with her father every summer and winter vacation.
1965 Got accepted into the Royal Catalan Academy of Fine Arts of Saint George (Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi), and in the same year, became the youngest member of the Royal Arts Association in Barcelona by recommendation.
1969 Invited to teach at the National Taiwan Academy of Arts (now National Taiwan University of Arts), where she also worked as a secretary.
1993 Invited by Metaphysical Art Gallery to hold a solo exhibition in Taipei.
1995 Officially retired together with her husband.
1997 Moved to Auckland, New Zealand, where she would subsequently live for more than a decade and planted all sorts of flowers and plants while concentrating on painting.
2012 Returned to Tainan City and organized her father’s old residence at Lane 321, Gongyuan Road into the Kuo Bo-Chuan Memorial Hall and held her first oil and pastel exhibition Crossing a Century after returning to Taiwan.
2013 After the exhibition at her father’s memorial hall, the management of the memorial hall was transferred to the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Tainan City Government, and she started devoting her time entirely to the creation of Western painting.
2014 Since this year onward, Kuo has held the annual Lois Kuo Art Exhibition at Dongmen Art Museum (January 10 to 26) in Tainan City.
2015 Held Subtle Fragrance of Orchids for the spring exhibition of Dongmen Art Museum (February 27 to March 15) and was invited to hold a solo exhibition at Tsang Fong Art Space in Tainan.
2016 Solo exhibition, Green Mountains with Clouds and Mountain Mist, at Dongmen Art Museum, Tainan (February 2 to March 1)
2017 Solo exhibition, Understanding Sceneries and Communicating Emotions, at Dongmen Art Museum in Tainan (April 17 to May 14) and was invited to hold her solo exhibition, Heart-touching Rhythm, at the National Cheng Kung University Art Center (May 6 to May 26).
2017 Being invited to exhibit in the Asia Pacific International Exchange Art Exhibition in Singapore (November 18 to November 21).
2017 Being Invited to exhibit in the 18th International Calligraphy and Painting Exchange Exhibition of Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (November 25 to November 31).
2018 Held a duo solo exhibition, Fragrant Is the Expression, at Yunjian Art Museum in Shanghai (March 20 to March 26) and exhibited in the 19th International Calligraphy and Painting Exchange Exhibition of Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (April 8 to April 15).
2018 Held a duo solo exhibition at Nanying International Art Center in Tainan (May 19 to July 22).
2018 Held a solo exhibition and an artist talk at a private art gallery in Auckland, New Zealand (September).
2019 Held a solo exhibition, Beautiful Life, at the Cultural Artifacts Exhibition Hall of the Tainan Cultural Center (December 28, 2018 to January 13, 2019).
2019 Awarded the 14th Arts and Business Award by the Ministry of Culture in November.
2020 Invited by Yat-sen Gallery of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall to hold The First Retrospective Exhibition of Lois Kuo (January 4 to February 2).
2020 Held a solo exhibition, Celebration of a Great Summer, at the Artist Creative Center at the Chinese Culture University (end of December).