展覽回顧Past Exhibitions

類型 展覽
時間 2021/11/16 10:00 ~ 2022/02/13 18:00
地點 1館2樓展覽室I、1館2樓展覽室J
➤ 開館日 10:10 起於南美館1館入口處發放當日候補號碼牌,每時段 15 位候補名額,每人限領一張(嬰幼兒亦列入人數計算),可選擇當日參觀時段,發完為止!
➤ 每場次 20 分開放入場參觀(10:20、11:20、12:20……依此類推),參觀時間至各場次 55 分(55 分進行清場),請憑號碼牌驗證入場。
➤ 僅限於號碼牌標示之場次入場,逾場次時間不可入場。
➤ 特展參觀時段( 1 小時為 1 時段)請參見:https://reurl.cc/n5825e【奈良美智特展參觀預約】(線上或實體機台擇一)
➤ ibon訂票網址:https://reurl.cc/ARQzvY
➤ 至7-ELEVEN門市內使用ibon機台操作:訂票/取票/訂房 > 展演活動 > 奈良美智特展【ibon預約操作說明】
1. 預先加入ibon系統會員,並了解票務流程(ibon售票系統網站查詢 https://ticket.ibon.com.tw)。
2. 各梯次開放預約前登入預約系統(擇一預約管道進入):
(1) 售票系統網站、OpenPoint APP網址路徑:依梯次公告之預約連結
(2) 至7-11使用ibon機台操作手順:訂票/取票/訂房 > 展演活動 > 奈良美智特展
3. 整理及刷新參觀預約網頁。
4. 進入活動頁 > 選擇票種 > 選擇日期、場次 > 輸入名字、聯絡電話 > 預約完成。
5. 若選擇ibon實體票券則另外需酌收10元手續費,電子票則無須收費。
6. 若需查詢預約時間,可至ibon售票網站首頁右上角「訂單查詢」查詢。【預約須知:ibon售票系統】
1. 本展覽為免費入場,全面採預約制,每場次額滿為止。詳情請上本展網頁或FB查詢。
2. 線上預約第四梯次(12/20)起採ibon售票系統,預約採實名報名方式,每組會員帳號(以手機號碼作綁定)報名上限為2位(嬰幼兒亦列入人數計算)。
3. 參觀日須憑電子票(QR CODE)或實體票券及個人有效證件驗證入場。
4.預約成功可選擇電子票(QR CODE)或實體票。若選擇實體票券,需持取票序號至全台門市內ibon機台取券(選擇ibon實體票券則另外需酌收10元手續費,電子票則無須收費),無法以取票序號入場。
5. 預約成功後,若須取消訂單,請洽ibon客服電話(0800-016-138)或 Email(refund@ibon.com.tw)。
6. 因應防疫考量與展場觀展品質,採分時段分流參觀;每場次參觀時間為55分鐘(包含奈良商店選購商品),該時段結束前5分鐘為清場時間,恕不開放民眾入場。
7. 須依預約時段入場參觀,如逾預約時段,恕不開放入場。
8. 入館人數將配合中央流行疾病疫情指揮中心,滾動式調整場內參觀及進出人數,調整內容依現場公告/官網為主。
9. 為維護入場觀眾之權益及防疫安全,本展覽恕不開放團體預約及導覽。
10. 12歲以下孩童須由至少一名家長陪同參觀。
11. 展場開放時間、活動等如有變更,請參閱現場公告、奈良美智特展官方粉絲頁、本展網頁、文總粉絲頁與南美館粉絲頁、南美館Instagram,主辦單位保有調整、修改及活動解釋之權益。【入場方式】
1. 參觀當日請於預約時間內,於報到區出示奈良美智特展預約成功電子票(QR CODE)或實體票券及個人有效證件(如身分證、駕照、健保卡等)可辨識是本人之任一證件,經工作人員確認後方可入場。
2. 請配合實聯制登記、測量體溫及酒精消毒後,方可入館參觀。
3. 如有呼吸道不適者、居家隔離檢疫者、自主健康管理者、額溫超過攝氏37.5度者,恕不開放入館。
4. 民眾須預約參觀奈良美智特展,方可至本館一樓奈良商店購物,依照奈良商店排隊動線並出示奈良美智特展預約成功電子票(QR CODE)或實體票券驗證成功後入場。◆洽詢專線
ibon客服專線:0800-016-138、02-2659-9900(24小時) -
關渡美術館及高雄市立美術館展出後,臺北站53件作品、高雄站首度公開的素描作品、繪於紙板上的《山子姊姊》(Yamako Sister/older)與《山子妹妹》(Yamako Sister/younger)、奈良美智親自拍攝的《旅行的山子》(Traveling Yamako)等作品皆全數巡迴至壓軸場臺南站。
第一次在海外展出的2020年作品《月光小姐》(Miss Moonlight),畫出了面對人生苦難的淡定,以及心靈獲得療癒的平靜。以數個月的時間醞釀,花了十天左右從容地以臺灣為發想而創作的最新作品《朦朧潮濕的一天》(Hazy Humid Day),不僅獻給數度造訪的臺灣,也是對堅持努力創作至今的自己最好的鼓舞。同樣首次於海外曝光的《微熱少女》(Slight Fever)與奈良美智過去的作品有著明顯不同,他畫出了比以往的小女孩稍微成熟一點的樣貌,並能夠意識到這是可以用俯瞰的角度來看自我的一種成長。
主辦單位:中華文化總會、臺南市美術館、Yoshitomo Nara Foundation(Japan General Incorporated Foundation)
協力單位:中華航空、臺南晶英酒店、U.I.J Hotel & Hostel - 友愛街旅館
地方贊助:可成科技、千如電機工業股份有限公司、早安美芝城、維達健身-Sport ONE、志誠醫院、福創股份有限公司、黃家古厝文化藝術基金會、南紡購物中心The world-renowned artist Yoshitomo Nara's touring exhibition features the artist's latest paintings, dozens of drawings, and his signature paintings, drawings, and sculptures.
The show will make its final stop at the Tainan Art Museum, featuring the 53 works presented at the Taipei leg of the tour and new pieces added to the Kaohsiung edition, including drawings; works on paper, titled "Yamako Sister/older" and "Yamako Sister/younger"; and photographs from the "Traveling Yamako" series.
Having overcome the distress brought by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, it took Yoshitomo Nara several years to deal with the canvas again. In this time, he slowed down his pace to engage in a dialogue with his work. He reemerged with an emblematic work and embarked on the path toward greater stability and authenticity.
Nara's 2020 project, "Miss Moonlight", makes its international debut. The painting presents calmness in the face of suffering and the serenity of a healing soul. After months of preparation, Nara spent 10 days gently completing his latest work in Taiwan, "Hazy Humid Day". This work is not only a dedication to Taiwan, where he visited several times, but also the best encouragement to himself for his insistence on artistic creations. "Slight Fever", which is also presented to the public overseas for the first time, is significantly different from his previous works – the little girl is transitioning toward youth, and he regarded this change as a process of self-growth.
As we observe the 10th commemoration of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, the audience in Taiwan gets a chance to witness Yoshitomo Nara's persistence for staying true to his initial creative intention and joining his journey from an end goal to another new starting point.
Organizer: General Association of Chinese Culture, Tainan Art Museum, Yoshitomo Nara Foundation (Japan General Incorporated Foundation)
Co-organizer: Ministry of Culture, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, Tainan City Government
Main Sponsor: ChinaTrust Commercial Bank
Co-Sponsor: Taiyen Biotech Co., Ltd.,Taiwan-Japan Friendship of Culture Exchange Foundation of Tainan City
Collaborator: China Airlines, Silks Place Tainan, U.I.J Hotel & Hostel
Local Sponsor: Catcher Technology, ABC Taiwan Electronics Corp., Good Morning MACC, Sport ONE, Chih-Cheng Hospital, Fortune Trans. Co., Ltd., Huang Family Mansion Culture and Arts Foundation, T.S.Mall -
1. 為尊重智慧財產權,本展覽「全面禁止攝錄影」。
2. 因應防疫需求,入館請全程配戴口罩,並完成實聯制登記。出示登記完成之畫面,同時配合測量體溫及酒精消毒後,方可入館參觀。
3. 如有呼吸道不適者、居家隔離檢疫者、自主健康管理者、體溫超過攝氏37度者,恕不開放入館。
4. 本展覽為免票入場,為維護入場觀眾之權益及防疫規定,如需參觀本展覽,全面採線上預約制,詳情請上臺南市美術館官網查詢。
5. 線上預約,採實名報名方式,每表單可報名上限為2位,額滿為止。參觀當日將不再受理當日預約。(預約須知請詳讀預約表單)
6. 參觀當日請於預約時間內,於本展排隊入口處出示報名成功之信件及個人有效證件(如身分證、駕照、健保卡等可辨識是本人之任一證件),經工作人員確認後方可入場。
7. 須依預約時段入場參觀,如逾預約時間,恕不開放入場。
8. 因應防疫考量與展場觀展品質,採分時段分流參觀;每場次參觀時間為55分鐘(包含奈良商店),該時段結束前5分鐘為清場時間,恕不開放民眾入場,敬請見諒。每日第一場次為10:00,以此類推。
9. 開放人數配合中央流行疾病疫情指揮中心,調整場內參觀及進出人數,調整內容依現場公告/官網為主。
10. 為維護入場觀眾之權益及防疫安全,本展覽恕不開放團體預約及導覽。
11. 12歲以下孩童須由至少一名家長陪同參觀。
12. 本館展場內禁止飲食、吸菸,並禁帶食物、飲料入場參觀,如攜帶物件超過A3大小,請事先至一樓寄物櫃或一樓服務台寄放。
13. 展場內,禁止破壞及碰觸展品。如因人為造成損壞,需負相關賠償責任。
14. 民眾須預約參觀奈良美智特展,方可至奈良商店購物,依照奈良商店排隊動線並出示奈良美智特展預約成功確認信件。
15. 展場開放時間、活動等如有變更,請參閱現場公告、南美館官網、南美館Facebook、南美館Instagram、奈良美智特展Facebook,主辦單位保有調整、修改及活動解釋之權益。Yoshitomo Nara Visitors Notice
1. Photographing and video recording are prohibited in Yoshitomo Nara exhibition area.
2. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, all visitors are required to follow our safety measures: wearing face mask at all times, Real-name Registration/Trace Policy, taking body temperature measurement and using hand sanitizing. (Staff will check your screen if using "trace QR code".)
3. Visitors with any symptoms related to COVID-19, under home isolation, home quarantine, self-health management or body temperature above 37°C are NOT allowed entry.
4. Free admission charge. Due to limit capacity and crowd control. Every visitor, regardless of age, requires to reserve a time slot online in advance to visit Yoshitomo Nara exhibition. Please visit our official website for more information.
5. Online reservation is based on real-name registration, each booking is up to 2 applicants, number will be limited. For more reserve information please visit our official website.
6. Please arrive within your visiting slot. Upon arrival, please provide your reservation email and valid ID at the Yoshitomo Nara exhibition entrance to have your reservation checked. (Valid ID: ID card, driver license or national health insurance card.)
7. Visitors who miss the Allocated Entry Time are NOT allowed entry.
8. To ensure a safe and quality experience for all, each visiting slot is limited to 55 minutes, 8 slots per day, starts from 10:00. Night extended visit (Saturday) will be added 3 more slots. Thank you for your understanding.
9. Visiting capacity may be changed according to the revision of the epidemic prevention level issued by CDC. Please aware of any information announced on site/website.
10. To respect current restriction on site, group reservation and guided tours will not be offered at this time.
11. For safety, children under 12 MUST be accompanied by parent.
12. Eating, drinking, smoking and gum chewing are prohibited inside all galleries. Food, beverages and item larger than A3 size (42×30) shall be kept in locker (1F) or information center. Please bring your personal and valuable belongings with you at all times.
13. Please do NOT touch artwork, frames, display cases or anything used to protect the artwork. If the damaging of artwork is caused by person, the person shall be held liable for compensation.
14. Please follow instruction to Yoshitomo Nara’s gift shop, reservation email will be needed. (Reservation email will be checked at the queue/line).
15. Please aware of any changes announced on site, official website, Facebook or Instagram. The right of final interpretation of the notice is reserved by Tainan Art Museum.