展覽回顧Past Exhibitions
黑水鉤:清代書畫展 Gōu of Formosa Strait: Exhibition of Qing Period Painting and Calligraphy

名稱 黑水鉤:清代書畫展 Gōu of Formosa Strait: Exhibition of Qing Period Painting and Calligraphy
類型 展覽
時間 2021/12/02 09:00 ~ 2022/03/20 18:00
地點 1館2樓展覽室H
特別感謝 大牛兒童城文化推廣基金會、何銓賢、何創時書法藝術基金會、黃隆正、國立臺灣美術館、楊惠郎、蘇世雄(依照筆畫順序排列)
The development of art and culture in Tainan during the Qing Dynasty focused on two main groups. One was Chinese civilian and military officials posted to Taiwan and itinerant literati, the other artists born in Taiwan. Some of the Taiwan born artists were influenced by literati from China and others made a name for themselves through imitation and self-study. This exhibition focuses mainly on the renowned Qing Dynasty artists Lin Chao-Ying, Lin Chue and Hsieh Kuan-Chiao, who were active in Tainan from the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1735-1796) to that of Emperor Xianfeng (1850-1861). In addition to leaving behind quite a large collection of exquisite art, these artists also offer an insight into painting and calligraphy styles popular in Qing Dynasty Taiwan.
In Chinese the name chosen for the current exhibition “Gōu of Formosa Strait: Exhibition of Qing Period Painting and Calligraphy” has two meanings. On the one hand it refers to the soaring determination of those individuals who faced the very real dangers associated with crossing the Taiwan Strait, known colloquially as the “Black Ditch” (Hēi Shuǐ Gōu); It also references the cadence or rhythm of calligraphy, the intriguing “hook jump” (Gōu Tì) technique and the fearless crafting of a free local calligraphic style.
This exhibition shows 26 works by nine artists, divided into two separate sections based on exhibition themes. In the first section are works by Tainan literati: These include Lin Chao-Ying (1739-1816), Lin Chue (active from 1796-1850), Hsiao Lien-Kui (1839-1898) and Wu Shang-chan, who although born in Tainan, he was also a student of Hsieh Kuan-Chiao; In the other section are works by Chinese officials posted to Taiwan and literati: These include Hsieh Kuan-Chiao (1811-1864), Yeh Wen-Chou (1741-1827), Chou Kai (1779-1837), Lu Shih-Yi (1784-1859) and Yeh Hua-Cheng (1812-?). It is hoped the exhibition will teach visitors more about painting and calligraphy in Qing Dynasty Taiwan, while also delineating the cultural development of Taiwan.
Acknowledgement ----Ta-Niu Cultural and Educational Foundation, HO Chuan-Hsien, HCS Calligraphy Arts Foundation, HUANG Lung-Cheng, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, YANG Huey-Lang, SU Shi-Xiong
研究典藏部 Research and Collection Department
作品賞析 Appreciation of Artwork (點擊作品可瀏覽賞析 click to read more)
3.林覺LIN Chue/野鴨小品Wild Duck Sketch/1831/墨色紙本Ink on paper/28.5x21cm/黃天橫收藏Collection of HUANG Tien-Heng
臺南市美術館 「黑水鉤—清代書畫展」專家及策展人導賞活動
【110.12.5】(週日) 14:00-15:00
110.11.24 開放報名
本場次為親子專場,目的在透過孩童可理解的語言,介紹距今二、三百年前的書畫作品,並且引導孩童遙想祖先當年的生活與今日之異同。藉由引導,觀察不同時代因創作媒材不同而產生的美感,進而可以領略書畫藝術之美。【111.1.9】(週日) 14:00-15:00
110.12.27 開放報名
本場次將聚焦在探究水墨的繪畫語言及書法造型意態之美。以觀察和圖像解釋來分析畫作的主題內涵,並將書畫作品置入其時空脈絡來觀賞。藉此帶領觀眾一同體驗文人畫家所建構的筆墨意趣和氛圍造境。【111.2.6】(週日) 14:00-15:00
111.01.24 開放報名
本展奠基在臺南市美術館109年臺灣藝文志研究案,呂專員曾針對臺南書畫家林朝英有深入研究,探討其個人文化活動、作品藝術特色以及彼時的臺南文化圈。邀請觀眾參加導賞活動,更進一步了解清代書畫創作的人與事。【111.3.6】(週日) 14:00-15:00
111.02.21 開放報名
本場次為臺語專場,目的為透過作品圖像解碼文人心中的想法,引導觀眾先思考自己認為花鳥、動物圖像代表的意義,再回歸文人畫中的涵義,進而一探文人繪畫的秘密。報名連結 https://forms.gle/HpMU6EQGGJ3b5KFEA
若有報名相關問題請致電臺南市美術館研究典藏部 06-221-8881 分機2106