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時間眾像:給每個人的歲月景觀 Aging: A Life Montage

「時間眾像:給每個人的歲月景觀」Aging: A Life Montage 展覽主視覺
「時間眾像:給每個人的歲月景觀」Aging: A Life Montage 展覽主視覺

名稱 時間眾像:給每個人的歲月景觀 Aging: A Life Montage

類型 展覽 類型檢索

時間 2023/02/18 10:00 ~ 2023/05/28 18:00 時間檢索

地點 2館1樓展覽室A、2館1樓展覽室B、2館1樓展覽室C、2館1樓展覽室D 地點檢索

  • 「時間眾像:給每個人的歲月景觀」

    Aging: A Life Montage









    In the immeasurable universe, “time” is given measuring marks via human existence.  Throughout a human life, “time” is divided into different phases from birth, aging, illness, to death.  Sometimes we are accompanied, while sometimes we have to travel alone.   With these experiences, all the memories and life stories are transformed into a myriad of sceneries for the elderly.  


    Taiwan became the so-called aging society in 1993 and is projected to become a super-aging one according to the studies of the National Development Council, signifying not only the change of its social structure but also a different future.  Since the younger generation might not be able to fully physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially support the elderly, we should really give some thoughts on how we deal with “time.” 


    With “aging” as its main theme, the exhibition Aging: A Life Montage presents artworks inspired by artists’ spontaneous and sophisticated experiences of “time” and “life,” providing different perspectives for viewers to take a look at the life montage of the Erdely and how “time” leaves the traces.  It further reflects on an aging life (sooner or later, if not now), concerning the aging body of our own or the closed one, the sense of rejuvenation evoked by memories, biological degeneration and its impact on human emotions, etc.  Through the artists’ exploration of “time,” the exhibition eventually touches upon the psychological meaning of “time” when people are biologically aging.   


    The exhibition is part of the collaboration between Tainan Art Museum and the Institute of Gerontology at National Cheng Kung University based on a memorandum of understanding which started in 2019 with an attempt to improve the lives of the elderly and patients with dementia by promoting and organizing events and sharing academic resources.  With the museum’s continuous effort to bring arts to the general public, Aging: A Life Montage also provides viewing experiences more accessible to the elderly and makes the museum a more inclusive space to encourage their visits.








    Youth and senility are two polarized conditions, while the body gradually moves from one to the other throughout the passage of time, until it declines and decays.  In the natural cycle of “formation, existence, disintegration, and emptiness,” various medical and physical treatments can be applied to delay the aging process, but it is still irreversible.    

    However, it is the body which gets old, but we can still project our memories, to summon the moments of happiness or sadness we have once experienced no matter what phase of life we stand.  The term “rejuvenation” from the subtopic is to evoke our memories and to integrate them as a rejuvenating treatment for viewers. 

    The interrelated “memory” and “rejuvenation” are explored in the artworks to challenge or reverse the conventional mode of being old, while it also expects to create a strong self-reflection within the viewers, allowing the torrents of the Rejuvenation River to revitalize the past memories. 








    The Encounter in “Time”

    Nowadays, the Elixir of life in ancient myths has been replaced by medical and scientific studies, which searches for ways to increase the human lifespan as it places the hope on genetics to cure different diseases and to slow down aging in cells.  It is the new quest for immortality in the contemporary society.


    Everyone has their own aging experiences, and each experience is private and unique.  Meanwhile, the multiple signs of biological and psychological aging – such as wrinkles, losing control of one’s body, degeneration in vision and hearing, changes of emotional reactions, and memory decline – form a collective perception pluralizing like radiating branches.  


    This section takes on diverse perspectives of contemporary art to reexplore the spectrum of an artistic visualization of senility.   In The Encounter in “Time,” artists transform the emotional and sensory perceptions related to aging into visual experiences which can connect to and be shared by different generations.  






    Time in Its Plural Form

    The modernized society we inhabit imposes similar experiences of “time” on the general public, unifying the everyday life of a highly socialized community.  This section thus features “time” as its artistic subject to reveal the life journey of the exhibiting artists and the span of time expressed on the materials.  With remarks on art-related labour, compressed time and liberation, we hope to encourage an emotional and affective identification from viewers to reexamine their life experiences.

  • 參展藝術家(以中文筆劃順序排列):




    王雅慧Wang Ya-hui

    石晉華Shi Jin-hua


    何孟娟Isa Ho

    李明則Lee Ming-tse

    村田清司 Murata-Seiji

    和田利人 Wada-Toshihito

    約翰湯姆生John Thomson

    張瑞夫 Chang Reef

    徐叡平Hsu Rae-yuping

    張哲榕 Chang Che-jung

    莊媖智Chuang Ying-chih

    許家禎 Syu Jia-jhen

    陳順築 Chen Shun-chu

    陸先銘Lu Hsien-ming

    湯皇珍 Tang Huang-chen  <成忘老太太在台南—來美術館的午茶> 行動參與計畫連結

    黃金樹Huang Chin-shu

    黃俞綾Huang Yu-ling

    黃信堯Huang Hsin-yao

    梁任宏Liang Jen-hung

    楊茂林Yang Mao-lin

    蔡欣穎Tsai Hsin-ying

    藤野公一 Fujino-Koichi。



    Special Thanks:

    國立臺灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

    高雄市立美術館 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

    藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

    中華民國智障者家長總會 Parents ’Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability, Taiwan

    日本社會福祉法人信楽會 Social Welfare Service Corporation SHIGARAKI KAI

    大未來林舍畫廊 LIN & LIN Gallery

    木木藝術 MUMU Gallery

    加力畫廊 InART Space

    采泥藝術 Chini Gallery

    耿畫廊 Tina Keng Gallery

    誠品畫廊 Eslite Gallery

  • 策展團隊:林睿洋、柯春如

    Curatorial and Exhibition Coordinator: Lin Jui-yang、Ko Chun-ju


  • 時間眾像:給每個人的歲月景觀Aging: A Life Montage 


    1. 湯皇珍成忘老太太在台南午茶及展演行為參與藝術計畫

    計畫執行藝術家/ 湯皇珍

    A|2月25日(週六)15:00-16:30  (午茶計畫) 地點: 2館展覽室C前
    B|3月18日(週六)10:00-11:30 (午茶計畫) 地點: 2館展覽室C前
    C|4月22日(週六)14:30-16:00 (午茶計畫) 地點: 2館展覽室C前



    Plus劇後座談交流_如何面對生命中的老? 快來報名一探究竟!

    時間/ 5月6日(週六)14:30-16:30  (特別演出+講座) 地點: 2館跨域展演廳

    地點臺南市美術館 2館( 台南市中西區忠義路二段1號 )



    成忘老太太在台南—來美術館的午茶行動即時影像紀錄 / 

     成忘老太太在台南—來美術館的午茶行動參與計畫頻道 /  messageImage 1679562539085


     成忘老太太在台南——來美術館的午茶 計畫說明







    主講人/ 黃信堯 (《大佛普拉斯》及《同學麥娜絲》導演及參展藝術家 )


    地點臺南市美術館 2館 跨域展演廳(臺南市中西區忠義路二段1號,入口位於司法博物館正對面 )
