展覽回顧Past Exhibitions
名稱 【申請展】陳天健:夢外
類型 展覽
時間 2023/04/21 10:00 ~ 2023/05/21 18:00
地點 1館1樓展覽室A
中年是一個連接過去和未來的蟲洞。在那裡,有一股強大的力量,驅使人在黏稠厚重的感 知和記憶碎片中,尋找某種理性結構的蛛絲馬跡。這個過程,似乎便是美感經驗的原型, 是以自身生命為觀看對象,揭露和實現自身的真實本性為目的。而人的真實本性是什麼?
語言和邏輯限制了我們認知的「真實」,當我們相信這個真實,便在此基礎上創造出更多 真實來鞏固這世界觀的真實性,世界遂成為真實的牢籠,而虛假和幻夢則昂然與之對立。 泰戈爾說 “Truth in her dress finds facts too tight; In fiction she moves with ease”。影像的來 源是「此曾在」的事物狀態,它的表面真實性無庸置疑,但如記憶一般,是面破碎的鏡 子。於是,在這個布滿記憶碎片的空間裡,真實和虛構的光線以一種無可迴避的方式在觀 者、作者、和影像之間交互投射。
夢外,既非夢中,亦非清醒;既不受限於邏輯,也不完全荒謬;時間可以前進、停止、逆 流。有時我們隱約意識到,曾經發生的事情,在未來也會再次上演。有時,人們從未來回 歸,默不作聲停在時間之流的某處,永遠的歡樂或永遠的悲傷。在夢外,人就是時間。
Middle age is a wormhole connecting the past and the future. Within it, there is a powerful force that drives people to search for some rational structure behind those sticky and heavy fragments of perception and memory. This process can be seen as the prototype of aesthetic experience, with the purpose of exposing and realizing one's true nature by using one's own life as the object of observation. But what is one's true nature?
Language and logic limit our perception of "reality," and when we believe in this reality, we create more reality to reinforce the truth of our worldview. The world then becomes a prison of reality, with falsehood and illusion standing in opposition. Tagore once said, "Truth in her dress finds facts too tight; In fiction she moves with ease." The source of the images is “that-hasbeen”, and its superficial reality is beyond doubt, but like memory, it is a shattered mirror. Thus, in this space filled with fragments of memory, the light of reality and fiction interact and project in an unavoidable way between the viewer, the author, and the images.
“Beyond dreams” is neither in a dream nor in wakefulness; not limited by logic, nor entirely absurd; time can move forward, halt, or flow backwards. Sometimes we vaguely realize that what has happened in the past will be repeated in the future. Other times, people return from the future and silently stuck somewhere in the flow of time, eternally joyful or sad. Beyond dreams, humans become time.
Chen Tien-chien
時間:2023.4.22 SAT 15:00
地點:臺南市美術館1館 1樓展覽室A外