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名稱 【藝術平台】虛實之際─臺灣寫實繪畫中的抽象思維
類型 展覽
時間 2023/09/08 10:00 ~ 2023/10/08 18:00
地點 1館1樓展覽室A、1館1樓工作坊
"Realism" or "abstract:" for most people, these are the two most common classification methods when looking at artwork, mentalities that can easily become ingrained. In fact, "realistic painting" often contains a lot of "abstract thoughts"; the more delicate and realistic the work is, the more people will be attracted by those realistic painting techniques, yet it can become easier to ignore the subtle thinking, the context and profound connotations hidden behind the art.
The Western painting that emerged during the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan originated from the scientific spirit of "sketching" and "realism," replacing the traditionally followed and copied ink painting, and this came to be known as the "New Art Movement." But the hidden brushstrokes and pursuit of delicate and objective realistic techniques actually began after the "photorealism" or "fine realism" of the 1970s.
The special exhibition "Between Virtuality and Reality - Abstract Thinking in Taiwan's Realistic Paintings" is curated by Chiung-Ruei SHIAU and has invited 15 artists, from Ming-Chang HUANG onwards, to present the abstract thinking behind their own contributions to Taiwan's contemporary fine realistic art, with the hope of enhancing and deepening the audience's appreciation for and understanding of realistic painting.
Their age ranges from 1952 to 1992, spanning a full 40 years, more than 30 year of a generation, We can clearly see the different thinking and expression of artists from different generations while facing the same subject, and we can also see each artist's choices, their exploration and different techniques when facing different subjects and media.
Ming-Chang HUANG, Ho-Chung KU, Chien-Hsing LIEN, Chin-Chia LIANG, Chu-hsin LEE, Chin-Hsien LIN, Ming-Yai WEN, Chuan-Chih CHOU, Cheng-Che LIN, Hau-Shiuan FU, Hao-Chun WANG, Hao-Bai LIN, I-Feng CHEN, Guan-Shiung TSENG, Hung-Hsin CHEN
Curators: Chiung-Ruei SHIAU