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千載南逢—故宮國寶佇臺南 Once Upon A Tainan Charm: Treasures from the National Palace Museum

翠玉白菜 清代 玉石 長18.7cm、寬9.1cm、厚5.07cm 國立故宮博物院藏品
翠玉白菜 清代 玉石 長18.7cm、寬9.1cm、厚5.07cm 國立故宮博物院藏品

名稱 千載南逢—故宮國寶佇臺南 Once Upon A Tainan Charm: Treasures from the National Palace Museum

類型 展覽 類型檢索

時間 2023/12/16 10:00 ~ 2024/03/10 23:45 時間檢索

地點 2館1樓展覽室A、2館1樓展覽室B、2館1樓展覽室C、2館1樓展覽室D 地點檢索

  • 臺南市美術館開館的宗旨之一便是成為全民的美術館。在此以藝術為核心,為廣大民眾引介不同的美學思潮與文化影響。繼2022年與法國凱布朗利博物館合作的「亞洲的地獄與幽魂」展之後,2023年我們再度與另一個世界級博物館—國立故宮博物院合作,結合文物與數位的豐富內容,向觀眾介紹華夏藝術史上的精彩名作。







    One of Tainan Art Museum's missions is to become an art museum at the service of all people. With art at the core, Tainan Art Museum will continue to deliver novel aesthetic ideas and cultural influences to the general public. In continuation of the 2022 exhibition Ghosts and Hells: The underworld in Asian art organized in collaboration with the Musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, in 2023, we are cooperating with another world-class museum—the National Palace Museum (NPM). Visitors will be guided to learn about masterpieces from across China's art history through fascinating artifacts and engaging digital art.


    Along the River During the Ching-ming Festival is projected in high resolution in Gallery A, where a quaint animation takes visitors on a journey to experience the lives of tiny figures in the acclaimed painting. Galleries B and C contain 15 selected artifacts from NPM's collection, including the iconic Jadeite Cabbage, the treasured Jade Plate with Dragon Pattern, the historically-significant Jade Bitter Melon, and Teapot with Decoration of Bamboo and Plum Delivering Message of Joy in Falangcai-Painted Enamels. The immersive theater piece Impressions of Fuchun in Gallery D is a product of the 21st century: AI was trained to learn the painting styles of renowned Western artists Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, and Claude Monet, then create a rendition of Dwelling in the Fu-chun Mountains using the European art style.


    Once Upon a Tainan Charm: Treasures from the National Palace Museum welcomes you to relish these beautiful cultural artifacts and travel back in time on the wings of technology!








    Supervisor: Tainan City Government

    Organizer: National Palace Museum, Tainan Art Museum

    Co-organizer: Tainan Culture Foundation, National Police Agency, Tainan City Police Department

    Sponsor: E.SUN Foundation