當期展覽Current Exhibitions
陳其寬:雙曲.交響 Chen Chi-kwan: A Duet —— Art and Architecture
名稱 陳其寬:雙曲.交響 Chen Chi-kwan: A Duet —— Art and Architecture
類型 展覽
時間 2024/04/25 10:00 ~ 2024/09/22 18:00
地點 2館2樓展覽室E、2館2樓展覽室F、2館2樓展覽室G、2館2樓展覽室H
Celebrating the 103rd birth anniversary of Chen Chi-kwan (1921-2007), Tainan Art Museum presents its feature exhibition Chen Chi-kwan: A Duet—Art and Architecture to memorize the great architect’s life and artistic journey through its four major topics: “Life,” “Sight,” “Cosmos,” “Architecture and Family.” Meanwhile, the “World Map” section demonstrates Chen’s imprints in real life and architecture across Europe, Asia, America, and Africa, exploring how Chen developed a unique artistic signature as a modernist in the post-war world throughout his experiences of studying abroad, work, travel, and creation.
The “duet,” as the exhibition title suggests, not only symbolizes Chen’s unparalleled achievements in both architecture and ink-wash painting, but also echoes the modern architectural practice of thin shell hyperbolic paraboloid which became trendy in the 1950s around the world. The visually and acoustically evocative narrative of the exhibition thus invites viewers to experience the resonance between his architectural and artistic work, while the deployment of space—with elements such as Chinese-garden doors, windows, white walls, and moving landscape—creates a responsive relationship between viewers’ movement and the changing scenery to reveal the hidden charm of Chen’s cultural and artistic genius.
With the support of Chen’s family and close friends, Chen Chi-kwan: A Duet—Art and Architecture displays precious artworks on loan from Hawaii, Hong Kong, Singapore, and domestic collections. Apart from the exhibition, it collaborates with the College of Fine Arts and Creative Design as well as the Department of Architecture at Tunghai University to organize a series of educational events, including forums and campus walking-tour to visit the buildings and sites designed by Chen during his first years in Taiwan, illustrating his unique spatial aesthetics and clever arrangement. The exhibition is a tribute to the great architect and a new exploration of his iconic works. Embarking on the artistic journey, we sincerely invite viewers to the world of Chen Chi-kwan and to discover the extraordinary personality and pioneering practices of Chen as a literatus architect and artist.
1. 陳其寬的世界足跡:陳其寬 x 南美館 (kwan-map.vercel.app)
Chen Chi-kwan(1921-2007)
建築顧問 | 游明國
Architectural consultant | Yu Ming-kuo
策展人 | 蕭楷競
Curator | Hsiao Kai-ching
展覽團隊 | 柯宜芸、廖冠敏
Coordinator | Ko Yi-yun, Liao Guan-min
指導單位 | 臺南市政府
Supervisor | Tainan City Government
主辦單位 | 臺南市美術館
Organizer | Tainan Art Museum
合辦單位 | 陳其寬文教基金會、東海大學
Co-Organizer | Chen Chi Kwan Education & Cultural Foundation, Tunghai University
協辦單位 | 東海大學創意設計暨藝術學院、東海大學建築系
Cooperation units | Tunghai University College of Fine Arts and Creative Design, Tunghai University Department of Architecture
贊助單位 | 逸點藝術
Sponsor | Yi Dian Art
特別感謝 | 國立臺灣美術館、國立中央大學天文所、財團法人國家文化藝術基金會、財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會、財團法人山藝術文教基金會、水松石山房、香港置地集團公司、新加坡南順山房、葉世宗建築事務所、春池玻璃實業有限公司、潘(示番)、徐小虎、劉俐、李大蕙、李昌霖、葉育陞
Special thanks | National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, NCU Institute of Astronomy, National Culture and Arts Foundation, Public Television Service Foundation, Mountain Art Foundation, (Water, Pine and Stone Retreat), Hongkong Land Limited, Singapore Nanshun Shanfang, S.T.Yeh Architects, Spring Pool Glass, Pan Fan, Joan Stanley-Baker, Li Lundin, Lee Dah-huei, Hubert Li, Wilson Yeh
唯一指定擬真藝屏 | 友達光電
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