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黃才郎:臺灣藝壇斜槓先驅 Huang Tsai-lang: First Multi-hyphenate in the Taiwanese Art World

名稱 黃才郎:臺灣藝壇斜槓先驅 Huang Tsai-lang: First Multi-hyphenate in the Taiwanese Art World
類型 展覽
時間 2024/06/11 10:00 ~ 2024/10/20 18:00
地點 2館3樓展覽室K、2館3樓展覽室L、2館3樓展覽室M
「黃才郎」(1950-)是一位特別的藝術家,他個人的生涯發展,也是臺灣1970年代以來臺灣藝術具體而微的縮影。他投身藝壇,承先啟後,在「斜槓」這個詞彙出現前,已然成為斜槓青年先驅。「斜槓」一詞源自英文「slash」(斜線),於2007年《紐約時報》(The New York Times)專欄文章〈雙重職業〉(One Person∕ Multiple Careers)出現,用來形容青年擁有多重職業及工作身分,更表徵一個人的專長、興趣及人生志業。黃才郎編輯過《美術雜誌》、《西洋美術辭典》,而後在文化建設委員會擔任科長,曾經擔任高雄市立美術館館長、臺北市立美術館館長,以及國立臺灣美術館館長。黃才郎的生涯發展所涉領域包含了藝術行政、藝術教育、藝術史研究、藝術推廣和藝術創作;從館長、教師、博物館人和藝術家,黃才郎身兼多重角色,以偌大的眼界,身先士卒地跨域與開拓;更以不同的身分及角度理解臺灣藝壇中的人事物,為臺灣藝術發展造橋開路。
主辦單位:臺南市美術館“I wish I could cultivate fertile soil on Taiwanese land, where the seeds of art and culture could grow freely, blossom, and ultimately bear fruit.”—Huang Tsai-lang
Huang Tsai-lang (1950-) is a special artist whose career development arguably represents the history of Taiwanese art since the 1970s. By carrying on the legacy and pioneering the way forward, Huang devotes himself to the art world and had become a multi-hyphenate, or colloquially “slashie”, at a young age long before the word 斜槓 (Chinese equivalent of a slash career) was created. Originating from the word “slash,” the term “slash career” first appeared in a New York Times column introducing the book One Person/Multiple Careers in 2007. A slash career refers to a professional path in which a person (particularly a young one) simultaneously has multiple careers and jobs, demonstrating the person’s expertise, interest, and mission in life. Huang has served as an editor of Meishu Zazhi (Fine Arts Magazine) and Western Art Dictionary and later as a section chief at the Council for Cultural Affairs (now known as Ministry of Culture) before being assigned as the director of the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Throughout his career, Huang has worked in different fields from arts administration, arts education, art history research, arts promotion to artistic creation, and has performed various roles including an art museum director, an instructor, a museum person, and an artist. As a visionary multi-hyphenate, the artist has explored different fields in the Taiwanese art world, for which he attempts to understand the people, works, and events involved from the perspectives of different roles, thereby forging the path for artistic development in Taiwan.
Often described as a determined person full of vigor, like a bull, Huang, with immense enthusiasm in art, has long worked in and explored the field of arts and culture relentlessly. Such experience also cultivates the “rich soil” of Taiwan in his mind. The enthusiasm in art serves as an unceasing source of creation, enabling Huang to capture implicit and explicit emotions as well as delicate observations physically and mentally during artistic creation. Huang always sticks to his original resolution as an artist who loves creation at every moment he engages in the development of Taiwanese art. He never lets go of his brushes even when he does not work as an artist. For example, Huang used to draw some self-portraits and what he saw before bedtime or during spare time when he was busy with business trips abroad; the creations at this stage generally portray the artist’s public service life and current experiences. After retiring as the director of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in 2015, Huang started to throw himself into artwork creation wholeheartedly, portraying his feelings towards life by painting diverse landscapes in Taiwan from sugarcane fields to common fruits and vegetables.
Born in Jiali Township, Tainan, Huang has grown to become an outstanding arts administrator and artist in Taiwan. As this is Huang’s first exhibition held in his hometown, the Tainan Art Museum presents the artist’s creations in three subthemes, namely “Searching for hotspots”, “Building a bridge”, and “Unchanged original resolution”, all of which link his classic works with critical documents, objects, and images, narrating a multi-facetted and captivating artistic story of Huang Tsai-lang.
Supervisor: Tainan City Government
Organizer: Tainan Art Museum -
Exhibition Supervisor: Lin Chiu-fang執行監督:余青勳
Executive Supervisor: Rita Yu策劃執行:張艾茹、黃華源、黃靖容、陳菡暘
Curatorial and Executive Team: Anne Chang, Huang Hua-yuang, Huang Jing-jung, Chen Han-yang -
⬠ 「看」黃才郎講故事
⬠ 咱眼中的黃才郎
⬠ 愛鄉土,愛藝術的臺南囝仔
⬠ "Watch" Huang Tsai-lang's Storytelling
This exhibition highlights not only Huang Tsai-lang's creations but also his contributions to art administration. Each piece of work reflects significant moments in the artist's life, allowing viewers to experience his journey as if reading pages of a diary.
⬠ Huang Tsai-lang Through Our Eyes
In addition to interviews with the artist himself, perspectives from current leaders in the art world with similarly multifaceted careers, as well as academic researchers, are included. These interviews provide a richer understanding of Huang as a trailblazer in the multidisciplinary art scene, presenting his life and artistic passion in a more dynamic and relatable way.
⬠ A Tainan Native Who Loves Art and His Homeland
Much of Huang Tsai-lang's work is inspired by his connection to his homeland and his experiences in public service. His rare moments of leisure are spent sketching models, drawing inspiration from the sugarcane fields, vegetables, and fruits of his hometown. These natural elements bring him a sense of purity and vitality.
子題介紹 Introduction of Subtopic
追尋熱點 Searching for hotspots ➤
建一座橋 Building a bridge ➤
初心不變 Unchanged original resolution ➤ -
活動介紹➤ 活動花絮➤2024.07.14(日)14:00-16:00|2館1樓大導覽室
活動介紹➤ 活動花絮➤2024.10.13(日) 09:30-15:00|鴨母寮公有零售市場集合出發