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吾妄之境 The Fantasy Wonderland

吾妄之境 The Fantasy Wonderland
吾妄之境 The Fantasy Wonderland
笠井亞由美,《麗人》月刊封面原畫。株式会社竹書房。Ayumi Kasai, The Cover of Reijin Hyper Boy’s Magazine. Takeshobo Co., Ltd..
笠井亞由美,《麗人》月刊封面原畫。株式会社竹書房。Ayumi Kasai, The Cover of Reijin Hyper Boy’s Magazine. Takeshobo Co., Ltd..
每日青菜,〈Day Off〉。藝術家自藏。Dailygreens, “Day Off”. Courtesy of the artist.
每日青菜,〈Day Off〉。藝術家自藏。Dailygreens, “Day Off”. Courtesy of the artist.
正在動映,〈竇蓮魁〉。藝術家自藏。A Studio A, “Dorian Gray”. Courtesy of the artist.
正在動映,〈竇蓮魁〉。藝術家自藏。A Studio A, “Dorian Gray”. Courtesy of the artist.

名稱 吾妄之境 The Fantasy Wonderland

類型 展覽 類型檢索

時間 2024/11/15 10:00 ~ 2025/03/16 18:00 時間檢索

地點 2館3樓展覽室K、2館3樓展覽室L、2館3樓展覽室M 地點檢索

  • ACG一詞,是總合動畫(Animation)、漫畫(Comic)及電玩(Game)所指稱的藝術類別,儼然已經成為數位時代創作者常用的媒介,亦是與商業緊密綑綁的藝術形式。隨著技術的發展及應用層面的拓展,ACG相關的創作內容,成為現代人生活中常見的風景。也使ACG不再如過去是僅限於小眾討論的次文化,而是逐漸普及於大眾的一種流行文化。


    而在ACG類別中,有一正持續蓬勃發展、人氣居高不下、甚至開始擴散到更多創作領域的主題——Boy′s Love(即BL,以下同),成為值得注意的現象。廣義來說,BL是指以女性取向,描述架空世界觀中的男子同性愛關係。雖說從古至今本就有描繪同性戀愛關係的作品,但有趣的是,在ACG領域中,除了戀愛、運動、冒險、恐怖、懸疑、美食等常見主題,BL在各種發展歷史的積累下,竟特別獨立發展為一個分類。




    特別感謝:Infinity Alpha、The Back Room、什麼畫廊、竹書房麗人編集部、京都精華大學國際漫畫研究中心、東立出版社有限公司、株式会社アップタイ、株式会社上ノ空、株式会社祥伝社、留守番工作室、鶴軒藝術、疊藝術



    ACG (Animation, Comics, and Games) is a combined term representing a type of art, which has become a medium commonly used by artists in the digital age and is also an art form closely tied to commercial interests. Following the development of relevant technologies and expansion of related applications, ACG can now been seen in everyday life. The genre is no longer a subculture for a niche audience and has gradually become a pop culture known to the public.


    Among different types of ACG works, Boy's Love (BL) is a subgenre that is booming with constant high popularity and has even been extended to other art forms, which is worthy of attention. Broadly speaking, BL refers to works depicting romantic relationships between male characters in a fictional world that is created by and for women. Despite the long existence of works illustrating homoerotic relationships, it is interesting that among numerous ACG themes—such as romance, sports, adventure, horror, thriller, and cooking—BL has surprisingly become an independent subgenre under various historical developments.


    From the birth to the current development of BL, this exhibition explores the mindsets throughout different periods and the shift in gender gaze within this ACG theme. The exhibition allows visitors to observe how BL, which has become a sensation yet teetering on the fine line of ethics, transformed from a niche artistic theme into a widely accepted art form in the span of half a century.


    Supervisor: Tainan City Government
    Organizer: Tainan Art Museum
    Special Thanks: Infinity Alpha, The Back Room, Suma Orientalis Fine Arts, TAKESHOBO Co., LTD., Kyoto Seika University, Tong Li Publishing Co., UPTIGHT Co., Ltd., UWANOSORA Co., Ltd., SHODENSHA Publishing Co., Ltd., Rusuban Studio, Ho Ho Arts, Telling Arts
    Collaborating Partners: Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corp., hololive, NU: Carnival

  • 山本タカト Yamamoto Takato
    山岸凉子 Yamagishi Ryoko
    木村了子 Kimura Ryoko
    正在動映有限公司 A Studio A
    田龜源五郎 Tagame Gengoroh
    竹宮惠子 Takemiya Keiko
    每日青菜 Dailygreens
    桂 Gui
    紗久楽さわ Sakura Sawa
    笠井亞由美 Kasai Ayumi
    陳珮怡 Chen Pei-yi
    黃向藝 Wong Xiang-yi
    餅乾 Piann
    闇風數位有限公司 DarkWind Ltd.

  • 策展團隊:徐嘉晨、陳菡暘
    Curatorial Team: Hsu Chia-chen, Chen Han-yang