


類別 展覽圖錄

作者 臺南市美術館

出版日期 20201222

出版單位 臺南市美術館

規格 21X29cm

定價 1120

ISBN 978-986-5430-71-9



 2020 is the year that Hung Tung would have turned 100 years old. Today, 33 years after his death, one will find that his works are still fresh, touching, and full of appeal if we disregard historical context for a moment and look at them again with a purely appreciative eye.



This catalogue is presented in vertical writing, reading from right to left,  and partially using yellow paper to mimic fortune poems and fulu (Taoist incantations) as a reference to Hung Tung’s artworks influenced by Taiwanese temples. The catalogue not only includes Hung Tung’s classic red paper works but also presented his sketches which are seldom seen by the public.


目次 Contents

序 Preface

神的代言還是人的代言—洪通百歲紀念展序 黃光男  

Speaking for the Gods or people? Centennial Celebration of Hung Tung Huang Kuang-Nan

「素人」與「專業」的對決? —為洪通紀念展作序 潘(示番) 

The Showdown between “Amateur” and “Professional” Art: Preface of Hung Tung’s commemoration Exhibition Pan Fan

專文  Essays

跨越時代的藝術震撼力—傳奇藝術家洪通 莊東橋 

The Power of Art That Travels Over Time—Legendary Artist Hung Tung Chuang Tong-Chiao

洪通的藝術創作解析與當代的反思 顏宏珊 

An Analysis and Contemporary Reflection on Hung Tung’s Artistic Practices Yen Hung-San

圖版 Plates

經典呈現 Showcase of Classics

風土孕育 Terroir and Nourishment

自學軌跡 Self-learning Trajectory

歡快的土地之夢與眼淚的變奏 Happy Dreams about the Land and Variations of Tears

廟宇與民俗藝術的影響 Influence of Temples and Folk Arts

文字畫 畫文字 Drawing Calligraphy

速寫本 Sketches

洪通大事記  Chronicle of Hung Tung