美術科學研究中心 The Art Conservation and Scientific Research Center

服務項目 Services

ACSRC Services

1. 油畫彩繪修復,包含油畫、木質彩繪、皮革彩繪、銅版彩繪、現代複合媒材等。

2. 紙質修復、絹本修復、書畫裝裱等。

3. 無機材質修復,包含玻璃、金屬、陶瓷、石材、石膏等。

4. 工藝品及考古出土文物。

5. 科學檢測包含:

(1) 手持式顯微鏡:檢視作品表面結構。

(2) 高倍率顯微鏡:提供塗層結構資訊、畫布與紙張纖維種類的判定。

(3) 紫外線:檢視作品保存情況及前人修復或補筆痕跡。

(4) 紅外線:檢視作品底稿或修改的訊息。

(5) 手持式X射線螢光光譜儀:元素分析、化學分析。

(6) 掃描式X射線螢光光譜儀:元素分析、化學分析與分佈。

(7) 傅立葉變換紅外光譜儀:有機材質分析。

(8) 拉曼光譜儀:分辨、鑑定材料成分。

(9) 高光譜相機:分辨、鑑定材料成分與分佈。

(10 )褪色分析檢視設備。

(11) 分光式色差儀。

6. 文物保存諮詢規劃、存放空間環境規劃、作品裝裱建議、無酸保護盒及夾裱製作、作品展示固定規等。

7. 修復成果展覽規劃。



1. Painting conservation including oil painting, painted and decorative surfaces, painted leather, painted bronze and modern mixed media.

2. Paper conservation, Asian paintings conservation and scroll mounting.

3. Inorganic materials conservation including glass, metals, ceramics, stone and related materials such as casts.

4. Conservation of archaeological, historical and contemporary artefacts.

5. Scientific examination and analysis including:

(1) Handheld microscope: investigate surface structure of works;

(2) Digital microscope: provide stratigraphic information, canvas and paper fiber identification;

(3) Ultraviolet light: assess condition of work and traces of previous restoration or additions;

(4) Infrared light: examine the underdrawing or traces of alteration;

(5) Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer: element analysis, chemical analysis;

(6) Mobile Large Area Micro-XRF Spectrometer : element analysis, chemical analysis and elemental distribution maps;

(7) Fourier-transform infrared spectroscope: analysis of organic materials;

(8) Raman spectrometer: differentiation and identification of materials composition;

(9) Hyperspectral Cameras: differentiation and identification of materials composition and distribution;

(10) Micro fading tester;

(11) Field-oriented spectrophotometer for color measurement.

6. Advise on preventive conservation, storage, mount making, and installation.

7. Presentation on treatment result.